This app is a Fibonacci game on a table. You should on each that you want and you can create a Fibonacci pattern. When you click on each cell you should expect to see the cell increase the number by 1 and change the background color to Yellow. If you find 5 successful Fibonacci patterns, the cells' backgrounds will change to Green, then after 2 seconds they will be empty and will change to 0.
You can see the demo here:
I started to work on this project with this package that I made before.
You can use it like:
npx @farnam/create-react-ts-tailwind-starter name
It will clone the repo and package files and install them.
npm install
To Start this project run
npm run start
yarn start
To build the project run:
npm run build
yarn build
npm run test
yarn test
Client: React, Typescript, TailwindCSS
Tests: React testing library, Enzyme
- Create function for create a matrix
- Enable reset the game
- Change cell backgroud color to Yellow when click
- Change 5 cells backgroudcolors to Green when a Fibonacci pattern found
- Clean the cells after finding the pattern
- Create function to check if a pattern found from left side
Some more options could make this app better but I had no time for that, I can make them in the future.
- Check the pattern from right, top and bottom side
- Change right, top and bottom side cells background colors to Yellow, Green
- Create a score board and add score when a pattern found
- Change styles with state
- Find a better solution and algorithm for checking the pattern in the table