Utilize React and Bootstrap to create a flash card web application where a user can create, edit, and delete a deck. Cards may be added, removed, or edited. There is a study function for each deck with a 3 card minimum requirement to function, otherwise the user is given the option to add cards.
- Installing packages with NPM
- React function components
- Routes using React Router
- Hooks including useState(), useEffect(), useParams(), and useHistory()
- Bootstrap v4.5
- Bootstrap Icons
- index.js
- App.js
- Layout/index.js (Stateful)
- CardForm "./Common/CardForm.js" (Stateful)
- DeckForm "./Common/DeckForm.js" (Stateful)
- Header "./Common/Header.js" (Stateless)
- NotFound "./Common/NotFound.js" (Stateless)
- ViewDeck "./Decks/ViewDeck.js" (Stateful)
- ListCards "./Decks/ListCards.js" (Stateless)
- Home "./Home/Home.js" (Stateful)
- ListDecks "./Home/ListDecks.js"; (Stateless)
- Study "./Study/Study.js" (Stateful)
- StudyCard "./Study/StudyCard.js" (Stateless)
- Layout/index.js (Stateful)
- App.js