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RIoTPot is a hybrid interaction honeypot, primarily focused on the emulation IoT and OT protocols, although, it is also capable of emulating other services. In essence, RIoTPot acts as a proxy service for other honeypots included in the system. Therefore, you can run any honeypot and other services alongside RIoTPot. In addition, there is an UI web-application that you can use to manage your routing.

Moreover, RIoTPot comes with multiple low-interaction services ready to use. Since these services are written as plugins, they are only supported on Linux; however, you can start RIoTPot without them. The following table contains the list of services included in RIoTPot by defaul, their internal port, and proxy port.

Service Internal Port Proxy Port
Echo 20007 7
SSH 20022 22
Telnet 20023 23
HTTP 28080 80
Modbus 20502 502
MQTT 21883 1883
CoAP 25683 5683

Table of Contents

1. Architecture

The RIoTPot architecture is based on proxy connections to internal and surrounding (or external) services (e.g., honeypots, full-services, containers, remote hosts, etc.). For this, the honeypot manages a number of user-defined proxies that relays connections between services and RIoTPot 1. This way, RIoTPot can decide how and where to route incomming attacks. The logic used to determine how to handle the incomming attack is implemented in the form of middlewares 2. To manage services, middlewares and proxies, RIoTPot ships with a REST API 3 and a webapp UI 4 out-of-the-box. The UI can be accessed through your browser at localhost:3000 and you can fiddle with API endpoints at localhost:3000/api/swagger showing a Swagger interface.

Figure 1 shows the RIoTPot architecture, including the two main applications that constitute RIoTPot (RIoTPot itself, and RIoTPot UI) and their components, and a section to enclose external (or adjacent) services.

Figure 1. RIoTPot Architecture, including the main application, external services and the webapp UI to manage RIoTPot instances.

RIoTPot is written in Golang5. Each RIoTPot instance exposes registered proxies (based on their port) on demand. To serve a proxy, it must have a binded service and the proxy port must be available (currently, RIoTPot does not accept multiple services running in the same port). When a proxy has been binded and served, attackers will be able to send messages to RIoTPot on that port, relying the messages to the binded service and back to the attacker6.

For ease of access, multiple instances of RIoTPot can be managed from the RIoTPot UI webapp. In addition to managing the proxies registered in each instance, the UI allows you to create, use and edit profiles. Each profile contains a number of proxies named after protocols or other services making a RIoTPot instance resemble a real-life devices (e.g. a home assistant). In few words, profiles speed up the process of setting up and provision a RIoTPot instance with specific configurations. The UI is written using the React fonrt-end JavaScript library (we use Typescript for this project) and Recoil state management library. Since RIoTPot is rather small, for the moment, it does not use a database.

2. How to use RIoTPot

Running RIoTPot is relatively simple. Overall, you have three options. The first is to download a RIoTPot release; you can either choose to download the latest release, or previous one. The second option is to build the project yourself. The last option is to use the source code to create a Docker container with RIoTPot and some additional applications to enhance the honeypot.

In addition, RIoTPot comes with some flags to determine how you want to run RIoTPot.

    --services: Starts a list of comma-separated services. E.g.: mqtt,ssh,telnet
    --output: Path to output file. E.g., 'path/to/riotpot.log'
    --plugins: Path to plugins folder. Defaults to 'plugins/*.so'

    --whitelist: Comma-separated list of allowed hosts to interact with the API. Default: http://localhost
    --port: Server port. Defaults to 3000
    --with-ui: Serve the UI as well

Usage examples:

# As a regular application running multiple low-interaction honeypots
riotpot --services ssh,telnet,http
# OR
# As a server with a UI listening in port 3000
riotpot server --with-ui
Using a Release Version

Info: This guide is meant for users with no special needs, who want a simple out-of-the-box experience.

Each release comes in a folder named riotpot with an executable binary (also) named riotpot and a plugins folder filled with multiple services (or low-interaction honeypots). It is important to keep the internal folder structure for RIoTPot to work as intended.

📁 riotpot
    ┕ riotpot
    ┕ 📁 plugins

  1. First, download the release of your choice from the releases page. Choose the one you need for your Operative System (OS).
  2. Extact the riotpot folder.
  3. Run the riotpot binary. This will start RIoTPot with the API enabled, all the plugins ready to use, and the UI server.
    • The API and UI are accessible through the address localhost:2022
Build it yourself

Info: This guide is meant for advanced users confortable in development environments.

  • Golang - Required to build the project
  • Node - Required to build the UI


  • Git - Used to download the source code
  • Make - To run already-prepared commands

  1. Download the RIoTPot source code from GitHub. Open a console and introduce the following line.

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the folder in where you have downloaded the RIoTPot source.

  3. If you have installed Make, we have included multiple command helpers to assist you building the project. To put it simple, you can simply run make to build the RIoTPot binary and the plugins.

Docker (Virtualisation)

Info: This guide is meant for advanced users who prefer to use RIoTPot in a virtual environment.

  • Docker - Used to build an image of a RIoTPot instance and UI server.
  • Docker-compose - Used to create a single container with a RIoTPot instance, the UI and other applications and services.

Some of main the advantages of using this setup are the additional security features with minimal changes to the container configuration and the containers themselves. For example, we can define separated virtual private networks and overlay networks to hide, sandbox and encapsule RIoTPot and other adjacent services. In addition, containers allow us to bind services using their docker addres name rather than their IP, which is very convenient. Lastly, we can spawn and stop separated containers on demand without affecting other services.

On the other hand, virtualisation is arguably more demanding than usign applications on bare-metal. While a single instance of RIoTPot is relatively lightweight, it is important to consider the shortcomings introduced by virtualisation and hardware emulation (e.g., reponse delays).

Warning: Technically speaking, a dedicated attacker may realize that RIoTPot is in fact a honeypot by analysing and comparing the response-time delays introduced by virtualisation to real servers (!!). While this type of honeypot fingerprinting has been studied before, the results for common Internet services are still inconclussive (e.g., HTTP, Telnet and SSH), due to the commoditization of cloud hosting services using virtual machines and detailed server configurations.

The Dockerfile included in this repo can be used as a standalone solution to load RIoTPot without any extras. To do this, simply build the image using the command make docker-build followed by make docker-run. Alternatively, we included a docker-compose file with additional services to enhance the RIoTPot experience. The following table summarises the list of services and applications packed in this container.

Service Image Port Details
MQTT eclipse-mosquitto 1883 Mosquito MQTT Server
HTTP httpd 80 Regular HTTP Server
Modbus oitc/modbus-server 502 Modbus Server
OCPP ocpp1.6-central-system 443 OCPP v1.6 (used in cars charging stations)
Application Image Details
TCPDump kaazing/tcpdump Packet recorder. It stores network traffic in .pcap files

The container can be setup in three simple steps:

  1. Download the RIoTPot source code from GitHub. Open a console and introduce the following line.

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the folder in where you have downloaded the RIoTPot source.

  3. With Docker running: if you have Make installed, run the following command. Otherwise run a docker-compose command using the docker-compose file included in the build/docker folder.

    • With make
    # With make
    make compose
    • With Docker-compose
    # With docker-compose
    docker-compose -p riotpot -f build/docker/docker-compose.yaml up -d --build


  1. Internal and surrounding services are not accessible through the Internet. Internal services are integrated and only accessible to RIoTPot. These services are loaded on-start and can not be deleted, but they can be stopped. Surrounding services must be in the same network as RIoTPot. External services must whitelist RIoTPot only.

  2. Middlewares are currently under development.

  3. The RIoTPot API must not be exposed to the Internet. Regardless, the API currently only accepts connections from the localhost. This may be changed in the future, providing a whitelist of hosts and standard authentication.

  4. Although the Web interface can be used as a separate component, it is embeded with the RIoTPot binary.

  5. While the base application is interoperable, internal services (plugins) can only be used in Linux, FreeBSD and macOS environments. We plan to overcome this limitation by replacing plugins with micro-services communicating through gRPC.

  6. For ethical and security reasons, RIoTPot does not allow unsolicited requests to the outside, i.e., reversed shells and the like are not allowed.