Creates a inlet tunnel from an endpoint (i.e. cloud VM) to a containers VPC. This chart turns a public remote machine into an endpoint for your private cloud by forwarding endpoint ports to the internal VPC (typically a load balancer).
# define your endpoint
# generate a ssh id key and add it to remote server's `~/.ssh/authorized_keys`
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/inlet/id_rsa -C inlet@k8s -N ""
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/inlet/id_rsa root@$ENDPOINT:22
# configure the remote server's `sshd_config` to accept gateway ports
ssh root@$ENDPOINT:22 'cat << EOF >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# allow ssh remote port forwarding for inlet-tunnel
GatewayPorts yes
systemctl reload sshd.service'
helm repo add ssh-inlet-tunnel
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install ssh-inlet-tunnel ssh-inlet-tunnel/ssh-inlet-tunnel \
--namespace ssh-inlet-tunnel --create-namespace \
--set tunnel.user=root \
--set tunnel.endpoint=$ENDPOINT \
--set tunnel.sshport=22 \
--set tunnel.privateKey=`cat ~/.ssh/inlet/id_rsa | base64 -w0 -` \
--set tunnel.publicKey=`cat ~/.ssh/inlet/ | base64 -w0 -` \
--set tunnel.args[0]='-R80:' \
--set tunnel.args[1]='-R443:'
more configuration options at values.yaml