Hopeful Cosmos is a web application where visitors and explore other users wishes and make their own. Once a wish is made it is added to the screen. You can hover over the star and click on it to see what wish was made.
A card will appear detailing the following information:
- Name of the star
- Who the wish was made by
- Where the wish was made if the user allows the web app to use their location, i.e, New Haven, CT.
Hopeful Cosmos is a web app and can accessed through here
When visiting the cosmos app a form will be located at the center bottom of the screen. Please be respectful and keep explicit hateful content off the platform. If you encounter a wish you feel is inappropriate please contact one of the following developers at the bottom.
If you would like to contribute to the project you can make a pull request and have one of developers review it.
We used Google Maps API to get the location of where the star was made.
Blog post published by collaborators of the project
Anthony Le - github
Mohameth Seck - github
Ty Edge - github
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.