Repetition code and bug patch
This folder contains the data and code for the paper "REV2: Fraudulent User Prediction in Rating Platforms", published at WSDM 2018. This readme file contains the description of the codes and the data files. The project website is at:
Please cite the paper if you use the data or code in your research: @inproceedings{kumar2018rev2, title={Rev2: Fraudulent user prediction in rating platforms}, author={Kumar, Srijan and Hooi, Bryan and Makhija, Disha and Kumar, Mohit and Faloutsos, Christos and Subrahmanian, VS}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining}, pages={333--341}, year={2018}, 321、 organization={ACM} }
************** Debug ******************
Add requirements.txt
Transform python2 to python3
import detect ---> from chardet import detect
inconsistent indentation problem:maybe this problem only in pycharm
Fill in missing sections and comment
Add formula annotation
Details in
************** DATA ******************
The data folder has 4 dataset folders, one for each dataset: alpha, otc, amazon, and epinions. We are unable to release similar data for the Flipkart network used in the paper as it is under a non-disclosure agreement.
Each dataset folder has the following data files: data_network.csv: This is the original network. Format is: source id, destination id, edge weight, timestamp data_gt.csv: This is the file with the ground truth labels. Format is: node id, label (+1 (benign) or -1 (fraudulent)).
We also provide processed files that we use in the code: data_network.pkl: This is the pickle file of the data_network.csv file, created for faster access. data_birdnest_user.pkl: This is the BIRDNEST anomaly score given to each user (edge generator) by running the BIRDNEST algorithm (Hooi et al., SDM 2016). data_birdnest_product.pkl: This is the BIRDNEST anomaly score given to each product (edge recipient) by running the BIRDNEST algorithm (Hooi et al., SDM 2016). data_edge_birdnest.pkl: This is the BIRDNEST anomaly score for each edge (rating) data_edge_map.pkl: This is the mapping between the edges in the network and the scores
************** CODE *******************
The code folder has the following files: This is the main file that runs the rev2 algorithm for an input parameter setting. It outputs a fairness score and goodness score for each node.
example: python [network_name] [a1] [a2] [b1] [b2] [r1] [r2] [r3] This file runs rev2 on all combinations of input parameter settings.
example: python [network_name] This file calculates the average precision score for fraudulent and benign user prediction. This uses the output of the rev2 code for one parameter setting. This file calculates the mean average precision score for fraudulent and benign user prediction. This uses the outputs of the rev2 code for all parameter settings. This file calculates the AUC score for the fraudulent user prediction. This uses all outputs of the rev2 code for all parameter settings.