Rick & Morty is a web application for seeking between 826 characters from the Rick & Morty series.
-You can efficiently search characters.
-Add your favorite character to the list.
-See the episodes that a character was in it.
-Be informed of characters' status such as their species, last known location, gender, etc.
I used these technologies in the app:
React library
Axios for fetching data from API
React-hot-toast for toasting messages
React-loader-spinner for some animation
you can see the demo site at https://rick-and-morty-hossein-rahmati.netlify.app/
Hope you enjoy ❤️
Use the package manager npm to run the app in the developer phase.
npm install
npm run dev
Pull requests are welcome. For significant changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.