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Add edit campaign workflow

cchristelis edited this page Jul 6, 2017 · 2 revisions

Add/edit campaign workflow

Always visible



  • Campaign status, This image is wrong, since it is not a dropdown. The indicator is set based on what the user has filled in up until this point. Indicators: active campaign - green, inactive campaign - gray, remote mapping - blue.


  • Campaign name
  • Campaign dates - editable with a pop-up calendar


  • Campaign adding/editing stages
  • Campaign settings - can be set using the dropdown: Basic/Advanced

General information

  • Campaign name
  • Campaign description
  • Types
  • Tags sets, which are loaded accompanying each type. When the Advanced settings are on, user can add/remove the tags


  • Managers

Create AOI

Create AOI

Manager can create AIO using map tools or by loading the shape file

Split/edit AOI

This should be a separate view after the remote mapping view. edit AOI

  • Manager can edit AOI using map tool or by loading the shape file.
  • Once the area is split, the table below the map shows the subareas.
  • Manager can assign the team to the subarea.
  • Manager can choose the subarea status from complete/incomplete/unassigned

Remote mapping

Remote Mapping

  • Manager can access remote mapping coverage
  • Manager can manually add task