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Campaign Insights

Irwan Fathurrahman edited this page May 30, 2017 · 4 revisions

Campaign Insights

The core goals of Campaign Managers are to communicate the desired data collection outcomes as well as draw insights from the ongoing mapping efforts. The system needs to be able to respond to very different insights requirements. Some of these have been mapped and more may emerge as the project continues. As such we are looking for a flexible extensible approach, which can cater a wide variety of Campaign Manager needs.

Insights Functions

During the Campaign creation process, Insight Functions are selected and configured to the needs of the Campaign. An example of an insight may be: "How many buildings have been mapped during the campaign?". The Insights Functions should be configurable so in our example, the underlying Insights Function might be: "Count features mapped" and the parameters may be "building".

Insights Functions may offer the insights gained in the following ways:

  • As a graphic on the Campaign's Dashboard page.
  • On the Campaign Dashboard map.
  • As detailed text with links to where this can be viewed/fixed.
  • As rationale. (This might be useful for complex insights.)

Data Provider

The Insights Function data is sourced from a Data Provider. The purpose of the data provider is to aggregate queries to third party sources. These queries will be cached for a reasonable amount of time (current thinking is 15 mins) The insights functions then draw this data.

Reference Implementation

Implementation of insight function can be looked at here and for data provider in here

here is the page for more details: Data Provider and Insights Function