- 😄 Hi there, thank you for passing by, this is Wenxin (Harold)!
- 👯 Check out my homepage to learn more about me!
- NeuralSpeech: A research project in Microsoft Research Asia focusing on neural network based speech processing, including automatic speech recognition (ASR), text to speech (TTS), etc.
- TorchSSL: An all-in-one toolkit based on PyTorch for semi-supervised learning (SSL), containing code for 9 popular SSL algorithms to enable fair comparison and boost the development of SSL algorithms.
- EasyEspnet: A wrapper for easier usage of ESPnet that helps you learn/write/run/debug codes in a more friendly Python style.
- DeepDA: A lightweight, easy-to-extend, easy-to-learn and high-performance toolkit based on PyTorch for domain adaptation (DA) of deep neural networks.
- spolacq: Spoken Language Acquisition From Conversation Based On Reinforcement Learning
- ESPnet: the best-ever all-in-one toolkit for end-to-end speech processing!
- Transfer Learning: you can find all you need for transfer learning from it!