This project will able to upload the latest version of CanAir.IO firmware automatically via a simple Arduino sketch.
You can run it from your Arduino IDE or from your Android phone using ArduinoDroid app (recommended) with a simple OTG cable connected to your board. (see the video below)
- Install Arduino IDE or Arduino Droid app
- Install the Arduino Json Library v6.x from ther Library Manager
- Configure your board: ESP32 Dev Module or similar board
- Select partion schema to minimal (OTA with 1.9Mb to app 190kbs to SPIFFS)
- Configure your WiFi credentials in the sketch
- Choose the firmware flavor in the sketch (board version name)
- Build and upload, wait for, the last version of CanAirIO will be installed
- (optional) see the progress on Serial console or monitor.
- Android app guide for using the device like a mobile or fixed air quality station
Please view the output messages in the serial monitor, maybe you have internet connection issues, for that:
- Wait for complete upload firmware (i.e 100%)
- Enter to serial monitor (button on top right)
- Press and hold the reset button
- The serial output in Arduino Droid app for example is similar like this:
- The output in Arduino IDE monitor is the same.
For example if you have the next error:
loader (1).ino:53:5: error: redefinition of 'int_payloadVersion'
maybe you have two or more files open in the IDE, please review the opened tabs:
If you have this error message in the output, please check the right selection of partition on your IDE:
When you have a error message like this:
you need change or use another Android device more updated (64bit version)
We have a Telegram group for support, maybe the community can help you. (Spanish/English)