//File should be the name of the command (example test.js will make the command 'test')
//The folder name will define the command type, mod and admin commands require additional permissions
module.exports = {
usage: 'The usage info of the command', //The command usage info that shows up in 'help [commmand]'
aliases: ['stuff'], //Any command aliases
dm: false, //Whether the command can work in DM's(private messages) or not
delete: false, //If the command text should be deleted on use(the text used to invoke the command)
togglable: false, //If the command can be toggled on or off with the toggle command
privateGuild: ['81384788765712384'], //Array of server id's which the command is restricted to
//Additonal permissons that are required
//Exact naming can be found https://abal.moe/Eris/docs/reference
permissions: {
'manageGuild': true
cooldown: 5, //Cooldown for the command(in seconds)
//The message object, the message arguments(command suffix) and the bot object can be passed
process: (msg, args, bot) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
//Whatever function you want here to process the command stuff
message: 'This is a message', //The message content to send
embed: {}, //Discord embed object, check Discord API docs for info
disableEveryone: false, //Used to enable @everyone and @here mentions
upload: { //A file to be uploaded(must be a buffer, check wewlad for an example)
file: somefile,
name: 'test.txt'
//Some function that will be used to edit the sent message(check ping for an example)
edit: (message) => message.id,
delete: false //Whether or not to delete the sent message after 5s
Disclaimer: No support will currently be given for this code.