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Helmut Tammen edited this page Apr 28, 2016 · 1 revision

Release Notes for n-odata-server

Version 0.3.9

Generated on 2016-4-28

Items included in this release

Implement $orderby option for GET requests


Implemented basic sorting by appending $orderby to the request URL.
Basic means that OData collections can now be sorted by a single column.
Sorting by multiple columns or with special common expression syntax is still not supported.

Example ascending order:


This will sort the Orders entityset by column ShipCountry.

Example descending order:

http://host/service.svc/Orders?$orderby=ShipCountry desc

This will sort the Orders entityset by column ShipCountry in descending order.

Implement hasMany GET requests


Implemented the GET request to retrieve all entities of a hasMany relationship. E.g.: A customer has many orders. The following request retrieves all orders of Customer with id 1: hasMany: Customer(1)/orders

Thanks to johannesrue for implementation

Implement count for hasMany GET requests


Implemented the GET request to retrieve the number of entities of a hasMany relationship. E.g.: A customer has many orders. The following request retrieves the number of orders of Customer with id 1: hasMany: Customer(1)/orders/$count

Thanks to johannesrue for implementation

Implement belongsTo GET requests


Implemented the GET request to retrieve the owner entity of a belongsTo relationship. E.g.: A order belongs to exactly one customer. The following request retrieves the Customer of an order with id 1: belongsTo: order(1)/customer

Thanks to johannesrue for implementation