I have a strong foundation in .NET technologies with a focus on C#. I have also mastered the use of Node.js, React with TypeScript, React Hooks and Angular.
I'm proficient in the use of AWS infrastructure and have experience managing applications on the platform. In addition, I have expertise in using Docker and CircleCI for continuous integration and deployment.
I have a diverse skill set that includes working with RabbitMQ for event-based development, PostgreSQL and MongoDB for databases, and TypeORM and Prisma for Node.js projects. I have also developed REST API services using Express.js and NestJS.
Currently, I'm focused on web3 projects and have built a project using Chainlink Oracles Nodes. I have my own Chainlink Oracles node and I'm able to run Oracles Jobs on it, as well as call it from smart contracts. This allows me to call outside APIs from within smart contracts.
I have a wealth of experience in NFT projects, particularly in batch NFT generating and minting. I have also developed web-based cryptocurrency wallets from scratch that work with Bitcoin, Ethereum, and L2 blockchains.
I'm continuously learning and expanding my skillset, particularly in the areas of DAO smart contract development, the Graph protocol, and the Lens protocol for social networking projects on the web3 platform. I'm also studying Elixir, OTP, Ecto, Absinthe, and GraphQL with a focus on these types of projects.
Overall, I'm a highly skilled and experienced software engineer with a diverse range of expertise and a passion for continuous learning and growth.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on web3 projects
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Elixir, OTP, GraphQL
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on social networking projects on the web3 platform
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with Front-end development
- 📫 How to reach me: Twitter: @huseyingurkan LinkedIn: huseyingurkan