UI Dynamic Test For iOS.
YTUITestCases can perform all methods that included in -(NSArray *)testCases
-(NAArray *)autoTestCases.
can performed after viewDidLoad
- Part of the unit test.
- Simulate different scenarios.
Copy TBRTestDataSouce
and UIViewController+TestCase
two classes to your project.
pod 'YTUITestCases', :git=>"git@github.com:huang1988519/YTUITestCases.git"
to your Podfile -
open ternimal
cd ~/yourProjectlocation
pod update YTUITestCases --no-repo-update
wait complete.
Select one of UIViewController or subClass that need to be tested.
#import <UIViewController+TestCase.h>
@interface YourSubClassOfUIViewController ()<UIViewControllerTestCaseProtocol>
Implement this protocol. Such as:
-(NSArray<NSInvocation *> *)testCases { return @[ [self invocationForSelector:@selector(showError) args:nil], [self invocationForSelector:@selector(refreshBtnClick:) args:nil], [self invocationForSelector:@selector(showEmptyError) args:nil], [self invocationForSelector:@selector(hideEmptyView) args:nil], [self invocationForSelector:@selector(loadMore) args:nil] ];
* Then run app.
> When you implement this protocol and methods, screen will display a tableview displaying some method names. Otherwise this tableview cannot be showed.