The initial goal is to reimplement the SAS-Pack for the CMS Hospital Compare Overall Star Rating as posted on in R. During the reimplementation, two major issues have been found:
CMS's K-means clustering, which runs for ONE iteration, failed to converge. This leads to ~ 1/4 hospitals receiving an incorrect star rating.
CMS's Latent Variable Model (LVM), which uses a Gaussian quadrature approximation with 30 qpoints, failed to approach the integral of the objective function. This also leads to hundreds of hospitals receiving an incorrect star rating.
The issues are fixed in the R package. See the tutorial to replicate the original SAS-Pack and to run the the corrected LVM algorithm and K-means clustering. Click the link at the end of this page to report if you have questions or any other issues.
require(devtools); # Install the package devtools if you didn't do so.
require(rstarating); require(relvm); require(rclus)
# Load the input dataset from October 2016.
x <- cms2016oct_input
# Step 1: Prepare and clean up the dataset.
x <- mstbl(x)
# Step 2: Fit the LVM model (non-adaptive).
fit_noad <- relvm_noad(x) # fit2 <- relvm(x)
# Step 3: K-means clustering.
sr_noad <- rating(fit_noad$groups$summary_score, method="rclus",score_col="sum_score_win",iter.max = 1)
# Comparison with cms hospital overall rating published in Oct. 2016.
merge(x = sr_noad$star, y = cms_star_hospital_overall_rating2016oct, by = "ccnid",all.x=T) %>% with(table(star,hospital_overall_rating))
# Save the output
op <- out_dir("C:/rhuang/github/rstarating/inst") # Setup the output directory accordingly.
write.csv(fit_noad$groups$pars, file=file.path(op,"Oct2016_par_truelvm_fit2.csv")) #the parameters
write.csv(fit_noad$groups$preds, file=file.path(op,"Oct2016_preds_truelvm_fit2.csv")) #group scores
write.csv(sr$summary_score, file=file.path(op,"Oct2016_sum_score_truelvm_fit2.csv")) #the summary scores & stars
# Step 1: Prepare and clean up the dataset.
x <- mstbl(x)
# Step 2: Fit the LVM model.
fit2 <- relvm(x)
# Step 3: K-means clustering.
sr <- rating(fit2$groups$summary_score, method="kmeans", iter.max = 100)
- The k-means clustering is converged with multipe iterations using fastclus. But this procedure does not guarantee a global minima as seen in the current star rating.
- The non-adaptive LVM is replaced with adaptive LVM model, which generates a similar results to those from our true/analytical LVM.
# Install and load the packages according to the installation instruction above.
input <- rstarating::cms_star_rating_input_2017dec # The input dataset from Dec. 2017 is attached.
# Step 1: Prepare and clean up the dataset.
x <- mstbl(input)
# Step 2: Fit the LVM model.
fit3 <- relvm(x)
# Step 3: K-means clustering.
sr3 <- rating(x=fit3$groups$summary_score,method="rclus2",score_col="sum_score",iter.max=5000)
5.3. In this release (Dec. 2017), one issue we found is that the measure factor loading is dominated by one measure in the safety of care group, and all other measures have a very little contribution to the group score. This can be tested with a measure randomization during the data praparation.
# For example, randimizing the hai_1 measure will not change the star rating.
input <- measure_manipulate(dat=cms_star_rating_input_2017dec,method="randomize",measures="hai_1")
x <- mstbl(input)
fit4 <- relvm(x)
sr4 <- rating(x=fit4$groups$summary_score,method="rclus2",score_col="sum_score",iter.max=5000)
5.4. Removing the measure weigts in the LVM model is one way to balance the measure loading. Currently this can be achieved by setting them to one or by setting the measure denominator in the input data frame to one as below.
input <- measure_manipulate(dat=cms_star_rating_input_2017dec, method="den_one", measures="hai_1")
hydrus is developed in parallel as of July 2017. It runs in less than a minute.