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Based on EG4S20, the relevant code for FPGA competition

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Based on EG4S20, the relevant code for FPGA competition module ad9364_top( input clk_100m, output txdata, input rxdata )

clk_wiz clk_wiz_xst

( // Clock out ports .clk_40m(clk_40m), // output clk_40m


// Clock in ports

.clk_in(clk_100m));      // input clk_in

rst_generator rst_xst( .clk_in(clk_40m), .rst_n(rst_n) );

fftdata fft_data_xst( .clk(clk_1p8432), .clkfftd(clk_40m), .flag1(tx_rdy), .fftdata(tx_data), .reset(uart_rst), .write(uart_wt), .tx_data(uart_data), .writebegin(writebegin) );

uart uart_xst( .mclkx16(clk_1p8432), .reset(uart_rst), .read(), .write(uart_wt), .data(), .txdata(uart_data), .sin(), .sout(uart_sout), .rxrdy(), .txrdy(), .parity_error(), .framing_error(), .overrun()



`timescale 1ns / 1ps ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // editor: loving_Qi // // Create Date: 2018/05/31 10:34:12 // Design Name: // Module Name: control_udp // Project Name: // Target Devices: // Tool Versions: // Description: // // Dependencies: // // Revision: // Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module fftdata(input clk, input clkfftd, input flag1, input [7:0]fftdata, input rst_n, output reset, output write, output[7:0] tx_data, output writebegin


reg reset=0; reg write; reg writebegin=0; reg flag=0; reg readover=0; reg [31:0] j=0; reg [31:0] count=0; reg [31:0] count1=0; reg [7:0] tx_data; reg [31:0] count_w=0; reg [31:0] count_d=0; reg [31:0] count_s=0; reg [7:0] memo[4178:0]; //reg [7:0] memo1[2499999:0]; always@(posedge clkfftd ) begin //if(!rst_n) //begin // j <= 0; // flag <= 0; //end //else //begin memo[0]<=8'h41;
memo[2]<=8'h2b; memo[3]<=8'h52; memo[4]<=8'h53; memo[5]<=8'h54; memo[6]<=8'h0d; memo[7]<=8'h0a; memo[8]<=8'h41; memo[9]<=8'h54; memo[10]<=8'h2b; memo[11]<=8'h43; memo[12]<=8'h57; memo[13]<=8'h4d; memo[14]<=8'h4f; memo[15]<=8'h44; memo[16]<=8'h45; memo[17]<=8'h3d; memo[18]<=8'h33; memo[19]<=8'h0d; memo[20]<=8'h0a; memo[21]<=8'h41;
memo[23]<=8'h2b; memo[24]<=8'h43; memo[25]<=8'h49; memo[26]<=8'h50; memo[27]<=8'h53; memo[28]<=8'h54; memo[29]<=8'h41; memo[30]<=8'h52; memo[31]<=8'h54; memo[32]<=8'h3d; memo[33]<=8'h22; memo[34]<=8'h54; memo[35]<=8'h43; memo[36]<=8'h50; memo[37]<=8'h22; memo[38]<=8'h2c; memo[39]<=8'h22; memo[40]<=8'h31; memo[41]<=8'h39; memo[42]<=8'h32; memo[43]<=8'h2e; memo[44]<=8'h31; memo[45]<=8'h36; memo[46]<=8'h38; memo[47]<=8'h2e; memo[48]<=8'h34; memo[49]<=8'h2e; memo[50]<=8'h32; memo[51]<=8'h22; memo[52]<=8'h2c; memo[53]<=8'h38; memo[54]<=8'h30; memo[55]<=8'h38; memo[56]<=8'h34; memo[57]<=8'h0d; memo[58]<=8'h0a; memo[59]<=8'h41; memo[60]<=8'h54; memo[61]<=8'h2b; memo[62]<=8'h43;
memo[63]<=8'h49; memo[64]<=8'h50; memo[65]<=8'h4d; memo[66]<=8'h4f; memo[67]<=8'h44; memo[68]<=8'h45; memo[69]<=8'h3d; memo[70]<=8'h31; memo[71]<=8'h0d; memo[72]<=8'h0a; memo[73]<=8'h41; memo[74]<=8'h54; memo[75]<=8'h2b; memo[76]<=8'h43; memo[77]<=8'h49; memo[78]<=8'h50; memo[79]<=8'h53; memo[80]<=8'h45; memo[81]<=8'h4e; memo[82]<=8'h44; memo[83]<=8'h0d; memo[84]<=8'h0a; if(flag1==1) begin


else begin j<=0; flag<=1; end end //end always@(posedge clk ) begin //if(!rst_n) // begin // count1 <= 0; // reset <=0; // end //else // begin if(count1>5&&count1<11) begin reset<=1; count1<=count1+1; end else if(count1<6) count1<=count1+1; else reset<=0; end //end always@(posedge clk ) begin //if(!rst_n) //begin // readover <= 0; // count_w <= 0; // count_d <= 0; // count_s <= 0; // write <= 1; // writebegin <= 0; //end //else //begin if(flag==0) begin readover<=0; count_w<=0; end else begin if(count_w<=7&&readover==0) begin write<=1'b1; if(count_w==7) begin // tx_data<=(count_d<92)?memo[count_d]:memo1[count_d-1125];
if(count_d<86&&memo[count_d-1]==8'h0a && count_s<8000000) begin count_s<=count_s+1; write<=1'b1; end else if(count_d==84) begin writebegin<=1; count_d<=count_d+1; count_w<=count_w+1; end else begin count_d<=count_d+1; count_w<=count_w+1; count_s<=0; if (count_d>4178) begin count_d<=85; count_w<=200; readover<=1; end end end else count_w<=count_w+1; end else if(count_w>7 &&count_w<=19&&readover==0) begin write<=1'b0; count_w<=count_w+1; end else if(count_w>19 &&count_w<=178&&readover==0) begin write<=1'b1; count_w<=count_w+1; end else if (count_w==179&&readover==0) count_w<=0; // tx_data=0; end end //end

endmodule 下面是UART部分Verilog代码


/****************************************************************** *

  • File: uart.v
  • Purpose: Top level UART description. UART implements
  •   	a full duplex function.  This interface
  •   	interprets processor read/write parallel bus
  •   	protocol and translates to serial interface.


`timescale 1ns / 100ps

module uart ( mclkx16, reset, read, write, data, txdata,

	sin, sout, rxrdy, txrdy, parity_error, framing_error, overrun);

input mclkx16; // Input clock, 16 x baud rate clock

input read; // read strobe input

input write; // write strobe input

input reset; // Master reset input

input [7:0] txdata; wire [7:0] txdata; //trans data

output [7:0] data; // Bidirectional data bus

// Receiver input signal, error and status flags

input sin; // Receive data line input from IrDA interface

output rxrdy; wire rxrdy; // Data ready to be read

output parity_error; wire parity_error; // Parity error flag

output framing_error; wire framing_error; // Framing error flag

output overrun; wire overrun; // Overrun error flag

wire [7:0] rxdata; // Intermediate output signals from receiver

// Transmitter output signal and status flag

output sout; wire sout; // Transmit data line output

output txrdy; wire txrdy; // Transmitter ready for next byte

//Instantiation of the transmitter module

txmit tx (mclkx16, write, reset, sout, txrdy, txdata);

// Instantiation of the receiver module

rxcver rx (mclkx16, read, sin, reset, rxrdy, parity_error, framing_error, overrun, rxdata);

// Drives the data bus during data read, otherwise tri-state the data bus

assign data = !read ? rxdata : 8'bzzzzzzzz;

endmodule UART发送模块verliog代码

/****************************************************************** *

  • File: txmit.v
  • Purpose: UART transmit description. Interprets
  •   	processor read/write parallel bus cycles 
  •   	and converts to output serial data.


`timescale 1ns / 100ps

module txmit

(mclkx16, write, reset, sout, txrdy, data);

input mclkx16; // Input clock, 16 x baudrate clock

input write; // Transmit write signal

input reset; // Reset

output sout; reg sout; // Transmit data output

output txrdy; // Transmitter ready to recieve next byte to be send

input [7:0] data; // 8-bit input data bus

reg write1, write2; // Delayed write signals

reg txdone1; // txdone delayed signal

// Transmit shift register bits

reg [7:0] thr; // Transmit hold register

reg [7:0] tsr; // Transmit shift register, used for shifting out data to sout

reg tag1, tag2; // Tag bits used for detecting, when the tsr is empty

wire paritymode = 1'b1; // Initialized to 1 = odd parity, 0 = even parity

reg txparity; // Parity generation register

// Transmit clock and other control signals

reg txclk; // Transmit clock, i.e. baudrate clock = mclkx16 / 16

wire txdone; // Set to high, when shifting of byte is done

wire paritycycle; // Set to high, one cycle next to last shift cycle

reg txdatardy; // Set to high, when data is ready in transmit hold register

reg [2:0] cnt; // Counter used for generating the internal baud rate clock

// Paritycycle = 1 on next to last cycle, this means when tsr[1] gets tag2

assign paritycycle = tsr[1] && !(tag2 || tag1 || tsr[7] || tsr[6] || tsr[5] || tsr[4] || tsr[3] || tsr[2]);

// txdone = 1 when done shifting, this means when sout gets tag2

assign txdone = !(tag2 || tag1 || tsr[7] || tsr[6] || tsr[5] || tsr[4] || tsr[3] || tsr[2] || tsr[1] || tsr[0]);

// Ready for new data to be written, when no data is in transmit hold register

assign txrdy = !txdatardy;

// Latch data[7:0] into the transmit hold register at falling edge of write

always @(write or data)

if (~write)

thr = data;

// Toggle txclk every 8 counts, which divides the clock by 16, to generate the baud clock

always @(posedge mclkx16 or posedge reset)

if (reset)


txclk <= 1'b0;

cnt <= 3'b000;




if (cnt == 3'b000)  

    txclk <= !txclk; 

cnt <= cnt + 1;


// Shifting out data to sout

always @(posedge txclk or posedge reset)

if (reset)


tsr      <= 8'h00;	   	// Reset transmit shift register

tag2     <= 1'b0;	      	// Reset tag bit

tag1     <= 1'b0;	      	// Reset tag bit

txparity <= 1'b0;		// Reset txparty bit

sout     <= 1'b1;	      	// Idle -> set start bit high




	if (txdone && txdatardy)


		tsr        <= thr;	      		// Load thr to shift register

		tag2       <= 1'b1;	      		// Set tag bits for detecting when shifting is done 

		tag1       <= 1'b1;	      		// Set tag bits for detecting when shifting is done

		txparity   <= paritymode;		// Set parity mode -> 0 = even parity, 1 = odd parity

    		sout       <= 1'b0;	      		// Set start bit low





		tsr     <= tsr >> 1;      			// Send LSB first

		tsr[7]  <= tag1;          		 	// Set tsr[7] = tag1  

		tag1    <= tag2;          		 	// Set tag1 = tag2

		tag2    <= 1'b0;          		 	// Set tag2 = 0

		txparity <= txparity ^ tsr[0]; 			// Generate parity



    		// Shift out data or parity bit or stop/idle bit.

     		if (txdone)

	   		sout <= 1'b1;	     		// Output stop/idle bit

    		else if (paritycycle)

	   		sout <= txparity;   		// Output parity bit


			sout <= tsr[0];     		// Shift out data bit



always @(posedge mclkx16 or posedge reset)

if (reset)


txdatardy <= 1'b0;

write2 <= 1'b1;

write1 <= 1'b1;		

txdone1 <= 1'b1;		            




if (write1 &&  !write2)

   	txdatardy  <= 1'b1;           		// Set txdatardy on rising edge of write

else if (!txdone &&  txdone1)

     	txdatardy  <= 1'b0;			// Falling edge of txdone indicated the thr is loaded in the tsr

// Generate delayed versions of write and txdone signals for edge detection.

write2 <= write1;

write1 <= write;

txdone1 <= txdone;


endmodule UART接收模块verilog代码

/****************************************************************** *

  • File: rxcver.v
  • Purpose: Main UART receiver logic module. Receives
  •   	incoming serial data and present parallel
  •   	byte of data to system.  Includes rxrdy control
  •   	signals for handshaking of system bus.  Includes
  •   	control flags for parity, overrun data, and
  •   	framing errors.


`timescale 1ns / 100ps

module rxcver (mclkx16, read, sin, reset, rxrdy, parity_error, framing_error, overrun, rxdata);

input mclkx16; // Input clock, 16 x baudrate clock

input read; // Read control signal

input sin; // Receive input serial signal

input reset; // Reset

// receive status & error signals

output rxrdy; // Data received

output parity_error; reg parity_error; // Parity error control signal

output framing_error; reg framing_error; // Framing error detect signal

output overrun; reg overrun; // Overrun error detect signal

// 8 bit latched output data bus.

output [7:0] rxdata; reg [7:0]rxdata; // 8-bit output data bus

// Internal control signals.

reg [3:0] rxcnt; // Count of clock cycles

reg rx1, read1, read2, idle1, hunt; // Delayed version signals

// Receive shift register bits

reg [7:0] rhr; // Receive hold register

reg [7:0] rsr; // Receive shift register

reg rxparity; // Received parity bit

reg paritygen; // Parity generated from received data

reg rxstop; // Received data stop bit

// Receive clock and control signals.

reg rxclk; // Receive data shift clock

reg idle; // idle = 1 when receiver is idle

reg rxdatardy; // rsdatardy = 1 when data is ready to be read

// Idle signal enables rxclk generation - idle = 0 when not shifting data

// idle = 1 when low "rxstop" bit = rsr[0]

always @(posedge rxclk or posedge reset)


if (reset)

  		idle <= 1'b1;


  		idle <= !idle && !rsr[0];


// Synchronizing rxclk to the centerpoint of low leading startbit

always @(posedge mclkx16)


// A start bit is eight clock times with sin=0 after a falling edge of sin

if (reset)

    hunt <= 1'b0;

else if (idle && !sin && rx1 )	

    	hunt <= 1'b1;					// Look for falling edge of sin

else if (!idle || sin )			

    	hunt <= 1'b0;					// Stop when shifting in data, or a 1 is found on sin

if (!idle || hunt)					

   	rxcnt <= rxcnt + 1;				// Count clocks when not idle, or looking for start bit


   	rxcnt <= 4'b0001;				// Hold rxcnt = 1, when idle and waiting for falling edge of sin

rx1 <= sin;						// Looking for falling edge detect on sin

rxclk <= rxcnt[3];               			// rxclk = mclkx16 / 16


// When not idle, sample data at the sin input and create parity

always @(posedge rxclk or posedge reset)

if (reset)


rsr        <= 8'b11111111;		// Initialize shift register

rxparity   <= 1'b1;        		// Set to 1 -> for data shifting          

paritygen  <= 1'b1;           		// Set to 1 -> odd parity mode

rxstop     <= 1'b0;         		// Controls idle = 1, when rsr[0] gets rxstop bit




if (idle)


	rsr        <= 8'b11111111;		// Initialize shift register

	rxparity   <= 1'b1;        		// Set to 1 -> for data shifting         

	paritygen  <= 1'b1;           		// Set to 1 -> odd parity mode

	rxstop     <= 1'b0;         		// Controls idle = 1, when rsr[0] gets rxstop bit





	rsr         <= rsr >> 1;            	// Right shift sin shift register   

	rsr[7]      <= rxparity;            	// Load rsr[7] with rxparity

	rxparity    <= rxstop;              	// Load rxparity with rxstop

	rxstop      <= sin;                  	// Load rxstop with sin

    	paritygen   <= paritygen ^ rxstop;  	// Generate running parity



// Generate status & error flags

always @(posedge mclkx16 or posedge reset)

if (reset)


rhr         	<= 8'h00;

rxdatardy   	<= 1'b0;

overrun	    	<= 1'b0;

parity_error   	<= 1'b0;

framing_error  	<= 1'b0;

idle1       	<= 1'b1; 

read2       	<= 1'b1; 

read1       	<= 1'b1; 




// Look for rising edge of idle and update output registers

if (idle && !idle1)				   


	if (rxdatardy)

		overrun <= 1'b1;				// Overrun error, if previous data still in holding register



		overrun <= 1'b0;				// No overrun error, since holding register is empty

		rhr <= rsr;					// Update holding register with contens of shift register

		parity_error <= paritygen;    			// paritygen = 1, if parity error

		framing_error <=  !rxstop;			// framing_error, if stop bit is not 1

		rxdatardy <= 1'b1;				// Data is ready for reading flag





// Clear error and data registers when data is read

if (!read2 &&  read1)


   	rxdatardy  	<= 1'b0;

  	parity_error  	<= 1'b0;

   	framing_error 	<= 1'b0;

   	overrun    	<= 1'b0;


	idle1 <= idle;				        // Edge detect on idle signal

	read2 <= read1;	   				// 2 cycle delayed version of read - edge detection

	read1 <= read;					// 1 cycle delayed version of read - edge detection


assign rxrdy = rxdatardy; // Receive data ready output signal

always @(read or rhr) // Latch data output when read goes low

if (~read)

rxdata = rhr; 



Based on EG4S20, the relevant code for FPGA competition






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