This is the code to reproduce results from the paper
Benchmarking Learning Efficiency in Deep Reservoir Computing. Cisneros, H., Mikolov, T., & Sivic, J. (2022). 1st Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents, Montreal, Canada.
WARNING: Re-running all experiments might take a significant amount of time. Experiments in the paper were done on a cluster using GPUs and a lot of parallelism. The docker solution is particularly sub-optimal and will take a long time to run experiments.
An alternative to running all the experiments is to download the data directly:
tar -xvf "experiment_2022-07-13T15:32:50.tar"
The easiest way to run the experiments is to use poetry. First, clone the repo
git clone
Then, run poetry install
to create a virtual environment and install all
the dependencies.
Then run:
If you don't have or don't want to install poetry, you can build and install everything within a docker container. Just run the following from inside the repo:
docker build -t pypoetry_bledrc .
docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash pypoetry_bledrc -i
This will open a bash tty within the docker container where you can run
Once the data is generated or downloaded (make sure that you have the experiment_gpu and experiment_sgd folders), you can run jupyter notebooks in order to re-generate the figures and tables from the paper.
Just run
poetry run jupyter notebook
and open the two jupyter notebooks in the folder notebooks