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Script for installing Node.js and pm2 in Linux — for example CentOS, RHEL, Ubuntu.

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Script for installing Node.js and pm2, on a Linux server with for example Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS or RHEL.

Tested in:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 and 14.04
  • RHEL 6.9
  • Debian 9 and 7

Get the script

curl -o install-nodejs-and-pm2
chmod +x install-nodejs-and-pm2

Run it

Run as root:


If you want, you can also override environment variables in the script. For example:

NODEJS_VERSION=12 NODEJS_HOME_DIR=/srv/nodejs ./install-nodejs-and-pm2

What it does

  • Creates system user nodejs if it does not already exist.
  • Installs Node.js 10 via nvm for the nodejs user.
  • Installs latest versions of npm, yarn, pm2.
  • Sets up pm2 to run as the nodejs user on boot.
  • Sets up /var/nodejs/apps/ where configuration and apps live.
  • Prints a message at the end, to prove Node.js was installed correctly.

You may re-run install-nodejs-and-pm2 as root as many times as you like. It will then reinstall software, replace apps/ecosystem.config.js-helper, but not touch any existing apps/ecosystem.config.js.

If you...

  • change any desired version numbers by setting corresponding environment variables, or
  • if newer versions of the installed packages are available,

...they will be upgraded when you re-run the script as root.

Configure apps

Log in as the nodejs user:

ssh nodejs@prod-server

# or if already logged in as root on the server:
su - nodejs

The install-nodejs-and-pm2 script sets up a directory apps, with an ecosystem.config.js file.

The ecosystem.config.js file is default configured to expect apps to have one directory each in the apps folder. Add your apps' pm2 configurations to ecosystem.config.js.

A complete directory structure might look like this:

├── ecosystem.config.js
├── ecosystem.config.js-helper.js
├── example-app
│   └── releases
│       ├── example-app-1.0.0
│       │   ├── index.js
│       │   └── package.json
│       └── example-app-1.0.1
│           ├── index.js
│           └── package.json
└── second-app
    └── releases
        ├── second-app-1.0.0
        │   ├── index.js
        │   └── package.json
        └── second-app-1.1.2
            ├── index.js
            └── package.json

Unpack each app version in the app's releases/ directory, and specify the version to use in the common ecosystem.config.js.

App structure

Each app needs a package.json file with scripts.start set to something that starts the app. This is how each app is started by default by pm2 via apps/ecosystem.config.js-helper:

NODE_ENV=production yarn install && yarn start

...if there is a yarn.lock file. Otherwise,

NODE_ENV=production npm install && npm start

Example apps

Look at the example/apps/ directory for how to structure your applications, and configure them. To download them directly, and overwrite your current config, you may do this as the nodejs user:

curl -sS -L \
  | tar xzv --strip-components=2 --wildcards '*/example' -C ~

Then start all apps:

pm2 startOrReload ~/apps/ecosystem.config.js
pm2 save

Run and save

To start the apps defined in apps/ecosystem.config.js, log in as the nodejs user (su - nodejs) and use these commands:

# Check current status
pm2 status
pm2 dash

# Start or reload defined services
pm2 startOrReload ~/apps/ecosystem.config.js

Note that pm2 startOrReload does not stop any apps you remove from apps/ecosystem.config.js. You must therefore pm2 stop and/or pm2 delete them yourself.


For the apps to start when pm2 starts, you must save the current process list:

# Save current process list for next boot
pm2 save

Remember to pm2 save whenever you start or stop something that should stay started or stopped!

Deploy new version of app

On your CI server or development machine, in the app's source directory, create the release artifact with npm pack. Then unpack it on the server, into the app's versioned directory in the releases/ directory:

cd example-app

# create example-app-1.0.1.tgz locally
npm pack

# unpack onto server, from your local machine via ssh
env \
  APP_NAME=$(node -p "require('./package.json').name") \
  APP_VERSION=$(node -p "require('./package.json').version") \
  bash -c '\
    cat ${APP_NAME}-${APP_VERSION}.tgz | \
    ssh nodejs@prod-server \
      "mkdir -p apps/${APP_NAME}/releases/${APP_NAME}-${APP_VERSION} && \
      tar xz -C apps/${APP_NAME}/releases/${APP_NAME}-${APP_VERSION} --strip-components=1" \

Switch to new version

On the server, edit the ecosystem.config.js file to specify which version to use.

Then tell pm2 to reload the app:

pm2 delete example-app
pm2 start ~/apps/ecosystem.config.js --only example-app
pm2 save


Script for installing Node.js and pm2 in Linux — for example CentOS, RHEL, Ubuntu.







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