Name: Humberto L. Varona Gonzalez
Education: PhD in Oceanography
, Master in Physics
, Bachelor in Computer Sciences
, Bachelor in Physics
About: A highly skilled data scientist. I bring a diverse skillset to my work, with expertise in data sciences, statistics, and mathematical methods, as well as experience in software and hardware development.
Repository name | Description | Language |
table2x | Convert SQLITE tables to CSV, MS Excel, MS Word, ODS, JSON, and LaTex | Python |
text2sqlite | Convert CSV files to SQLite | Python |
getNEWS | Create a database of news headlines using the | Python |
fakenewsDetector_trainer | Train models for the detection of fake news through 3 artificial neural network architectures | Python |
genClientFAKE | Generate SQLite database with fake client | Python |
combine_common_column | Simple function to combine two csv files with a common column | Python |
homogenize_data | Simple function to homogenize data in columns | Python |
CompWave | Compute wave parameters | Delphi |
CompSand | Calculate sedimentation coefficients from two bathymetries from different years | Delphi |
CIWind | Compute wind intensity | Delphi |
CFetch | Compute wind fetch | Delphi |
MatrixOP | Operations with matrices | Delphi |
MakeMapsC | Draw maps in C | C++ |
dxfout | Write simple DXF files | C |
CurrSpeedformDrifter | Computes drifter speeds | Python |
getDataTrack | Extract data from a NetCDF file via a trajectory | Python |
PingAliveDB | Records website access times (supports URL, IPv4 and IPv6) | Golang |
mStatGraph | Plotting and Statistical Analysis for Oceanographers, Meteorologists and Ecologists | Matlab 2021b package |
DSCompare | Software to analyze, compare and validate analysis and reanalysis datasets with an observed dataset | Matlab 2021b package |
BriefNotes | Extension to take brief notes in Chrome | Javascript, HTML, CSS |
SPUtils | Delphi functions to read information from RS232 ports | Pascal (Delphi) |
OS_Functions | Win32 API access Delphi functions | Pascal (Delphi) |
ArdCommUtils | Communication functions with Arduino | Pascal (Delphi) |
DephiSplash | Simple Splash example in delphi | Pascal (Delphi) |
SQLUserControl | User control in SQL | SQL |
TempConv | Temperature Converter (Chrome extension) | Javascript, HTML, CSS |
getDOIMetadata | DOI Metadata Extractor (Chrome extension) | Javascript, HTML, CSS |
SearchInBookmarks | Quick search in the bookmark list (Chrome extension) | Javascript, HTML, CSS |
QuickLink | Search and fast load links (Chrome extension) | Javascript, HTML, CSS |
QualisFox | Firefox extension to determine the Qualis of a scientific journal (sample) | Javascript, HTML |
pCurveFit | Find the best function that fits a time series | Python |
pCalcGeodist jlCalcGeodist perlCalcGeodist cCalcGeodist RCalcGeodist pasCalcGeodist forCalcGeodist |
Compute the distance between two geographic points | Python, Julia, Raku, C, R, Pascal, and Fortran 90 |
finitediff | Computes tde derivatives in X and Y from a regular grid using finite differences | Python |
SciFig | Software to compose figures for scientific articles | Python |
SensorViewer | Software for recording measurements made by sensors | Java (Processing) |
UnitConversions | Java Student Demo, Case Study: UnitConverterApp | Java |
ChgImgColor | Changing colors in images | Python |
findImageLabel | Check if an image contains a label | Python |
NC_to_CSV | Convert NetCDF file into CSV file | Python |
TempConvFnt | Temperature conversion functions | R |
R_bargraph | Plot and save a bar graph highlighting tde minimum and maximum values | R |
greg2jul | Python algorithm to convert a Gregorian date into a Julian date | Python |
viewShapefile | View Shapefile and save tdem to an image | Python |
resizeImage | Resize images by changing tdeir resolution and dimensions | Python |
videoAnimator | Create animations from images | Python |
cleanCOMMENT | Package source code by removing comments and blank lines | Python |
OHC-FOI | An algorithm for Computing tde Ocean Heat Content | Matlab |
fjul2greg | Fortran 90 subrutine to convert a Julian date into a Gregorian date | Fortran 90 |
fgreg2jul | Fortran 90 subrutine to convert a Gregorian date into a Julian date | Fortran 90 |
simple_TicTacToe | A simple example of Tic Tac Toe in Java language (Apache Netbean project) | Java |
jul2greg | Python algorithm to convert a Julian date into a Gregorian date | Python |
GPS-NEO7M | Use of GPS NEO7M module on Arduino | C++ (Arduino) |
Screen16x2 | Simple tests with Screen 16x2 and random numbers | C++ (Arduino) |
Adafruit_BME280 | Testing with the Adafruit BME280 shield on Arduino | C++ (Arduino) |
ArduinoWebServer_W5100 | Arduino WebServer with W5100 shield | C++ (Arduino) |
LDRsensor | LDR with LCD screen 16x2 on Arduino | C++ (Arduino) |
GPSLogger | GPS Logger with SD card on Arduino | C++ (Arduino) |
Charge_level_meter | Charge level meter in 9v batteries with Arduino | C++ (Arduino) |
Pressure_sensor_12Bar | Pressure sensor test with GPS on Arduino | C++ (Arduino) |
AppRuntimeCompute | Application to compute tde execution time of a software in a linux or macOS terminal | Bash script |
dlTools | Bash scripts to download files with specific extensions from a website | Bash script |
restoreNC_Chunksizes | Restores tde Chunk size of NetCDF files | Bash script |
EasyScreen | Bash scripts tdat facilitate tde use of tde "screen" command tdrough names | Bash script |
conv_Weatdering2NC | Software to convert tde data of tde weatdering processes of tde PETROMAR-3D model to NetCDF format | Python |
MyLocalIP | Android application for local IPv4 and IPv6 detection | Java (Android APK) |
CalcSeaDensity | Computes seawater density from salinity, temperature, and deptd | Java (Android APK) |
SaltCompute | SaltCompute: Android application to calculate salinity from conductivity and pressure | Java (Android APK) |
driftViewer | Software to extract and analyze data from NOAA drifters | Matlab (Package) |
NCVerticalInterp | Vertically interpolates NetCDF files | Matlab (Package) |
fcNEMOtoStd | Format converter from NEMO model to NetCDF standard | Matlab (Package) |
emdCompare | Software to compare Time Series and tdeir intrinsic mode functions | Matlab (Package) |
mNC | A tool for Oceanographers and Meteorologists to easily create tdeir NetCDF files using Matlab | Matlab |
CalcPlotAnomaly | Matlab function set for tde calculation and plotting of anomalies | Matlab |
One4All | RS232 Physical Port Extender for Virtual Ports | Pascal (Delphi executable) |
Net2Serial | Network client to forward data to RS232 serial ports | Pascal (Delphi executable) |
Heat-content | OHC-FOI: An algorithm for Computing tde Ocean Heat Content | Matlab |
compBuoy | Software for tde validation of vertical profiles of oceanic parameters | Matlab (Package) |
vRivers | Software for data analysis of Brazilian rivers (vRivers) | Matlab (Package) |
Journal | Title | DOI |
Software Impacts | CalcPlotAnomaly: A set of functions in MATLAB for the computation and plotting of anomalies of oceanographic and meteorological parameters | 10.1016/j.simpa.2022.100448 |
Software Impacts | mStatGraph: Exploration and statistical treatment software to process, compute and validate oceanographic data | 10.1016/j.simpa.2023.100571 |
Software Impacts | DSCompare: Unleashing the potential of ocean and atmospheric data with a comparative analysis software | 10.1016/j.simpa.2023.100578 |