BSW-ABE base on c++, pbc lib. 具体实现原理及详细步骤可参考:
g++ main.cpp bswabe.cpp -o test -L/usr/local/lib/pbc -lpbc -L/usr/lib -lgmp -lcrypto
Plaintext M_string: cc11111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555666666666677777777778aabbbbbbbbbbccccccccccddddddddddeeeeeeeeee33, size = 117
Plaintext M: [5205344140073205636919547778842138865494575854406214706964728954569561463991554903588844784666170336947548779351242192082515106137749581432358453376333623, 2891880141752324864617312240915208141818104769656821415680416289610269083212830577235247828579371943992052019821671556566345604006848332756293850792722432]
cs (Encrypted message): [5916257443095765904788063490198978673229284956809812978643773997849045665217377660331616477039520327887401648265640222836172921996693726580892896772089104, 6580301541418529665227073754685731831520714940276594480419975985410534354665198204672431446692765829662886361273113823877735711245227723200574325896138232]
Access policy tree:
Node: k = 2, attr =
Node: k = 1, attr =
Node: k = 1, attr = attr1
Node: k = 2, attr =
Node: k = 1, attr = attr2
Node: k = 1, attr =
Node: k = 1, attr = attr3
Node: k = 1, attr = attr4
Node: k = 1, attr =
Node: k = 1, attr = attr5
Node: k = 2, attr =
Node: k = 1, attr = attr6
Node: k = 1, attr =
Node: k = 1, attr = attr7
Node: k = 1, attr = attr8
Decrypt success! Decrypted plaintext is: cc11111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555666666666677777777778aabbbbbbbbbbccccccccccddddddddddeeeeeeeeee33,size= 117
AND (2of2)
/ \
OR (1of2) OR (1of2)
/ \ / \
attr1 AND (2of2) attr5 AND (2of2)
/ \ / \
attr2 OR (1of2) attr6 OR (1of2)
/ \ / \
attr3 attr4 attr7 attr8