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Generate awesome text with Google's Gemini model

Ready for a joke generated with Gemini model?

Please tell me how to be funny and creative

So you wanna be a comedic genius, eh? A regular laugh factory! Well, I hate to break it to ya, but you can't just *become* funny. It's like trying to explain why cats are obsessed with boxes - it's just their thing, ya know?

But! Being *creative*, now that we can work with. Think of it like building a joke website – you gotta start with solid HTML, then sprinkle in some CSS for style, and maybe a dash of JavaScript for those interactive punchlines. Read, observe, and always be on the lookout for the absurd in everyday life.

Speech bubbles

Want to chat with Gemini as a stand-up comedian? Just click this



Required You can get your API key at Google's Gemini

Then add to the secrets for the repository



The generated prompt to use later

Example usage

Create workflow

Create .github/workflows/main.yml workflow with following steps to call the action

uses: huuquyet/generate-awesome-text@main

See this for example usage

Update your README

Add a comment block to your and assets/speech-bubbles.svg files to update joke automatically

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