This is the third lesson of the Advanced Programming course with the following objectives:
- i) Understand about the hangman game source code structure.
- ii) Learn about the automated testing with github Actions.
You are required to implement several functions of HangMan game. They could be done via the instructions as follows:
- Step 1: Fork this repo to your own account
- Step 2: Clone the forked repo to your local via the command: git clone[YOUR_USERNAME]/AdvProg_L3-HangMan.git
- Step 3: Modify the "hangman.cpp" file to complete the requirement. Specifically, there are 8 functions that you have to implement namely:
- int generateRandomNumber(const int min, const int max);
- bool isCharInWord(const char ch, const string& word);
- string generateHiddenCharacters(string secretWord)
- string chooseWordFromList(const vector& wordList, int index);
- void updateSecretWord(string& secretWord, const char ch, const string& word);
- void updateEnteredChars(const char ch, string& chars);
- void updateIncorrectGuess(int& incorrectGuess);
- void processData(const char ch, const string& word, string& secretWord, string& correctChars, int& incorrectGuess, string& incorrectChars);
- Step 4: Commit & push the modified file using the command: git commit -m "[Insert_your_own_message]" & git push origin main
- Step 5: Create a pull request: In the tab "Pull requests", click on "New pull request" Set the pull request's title with the format as: [Your_student_ID]_[Your_full_name] Click on "Create pull request" to submit
- Step 6: Check the automated testing workflow on your modified code using Github Actions. Hope you enjoy the lesson.