Library for manipulating Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) graphs
This library has useful methods to process the understanding of human language,
with emphasis on the methods joinGraph
, searchPattern
and search
const graph1 = await NLP.parse("mary is cool");
c: [ [ ":instance", "cool-04" ], [ ":ARG1", "p" ] ],
p: [ [ ":instance", "person" ], [ ":name", "n" ] ],
n: [ [ ":instance", "name" ], [ ":op1", '"mary"' ] ]
const graph2 = await NLP.parse("joe is ugly");
u: [ [ ":instance", "ugly" ], [ ":domain", "p" ] ],
p: [ [ ":instance", "person" ], [ ":name", "n" ] ],
n: [ [ ":instance", "name" ], [ ":op1", '"Joe"' ] ]
const merged_graph = utils.joinGraph(graph1, {
graph: graph2,
mode: "merge",
rangeIds: ["p"], //starts operation on node 'p'
}, ["p"]);
c: [ [ ":instance", "cool-04" ], [ ":ARG1", "p" ] ],
p: [ [ ":name", "a" ], [ ":instance", "person" ] ],
a: [ [ ":instance", "and" ], [ ":op1", "n" ], [ ":op2", "n1" ] ],
n: [ [ ":instance", "name" ], [ ":op1", '"mary"' ] ],
n1: [ [ ":instance", "name" ], [ ":op1", '"Joe"' ] ]
See the documentation:
* Performs the following operations on graphs: 'append', 'replace' and 'merge'.
* @param {graph} AMRGraph, the main graph that will be used in the operation.
* @param {piece} GraphPiece, The other graph that will be 'joined' to the main graph
* given an operation, the parameters of this interface are:
* 'graph' => the graph itself.
* 'rangeIds' => an array of 2 positions (start node and end node), if not specified both
* will be the root; if only rangeIds[0] is not specified,
* it will assume the value of rangeIds[1].
* 'relations' => a 2-position vector, it's the "glue" relationships
* for the "append" operation, the input relationship and (optionally)
* the output relationship.
* 'mode' => operation type, accepts the values: 'append', 'replace' and 'merge'.
* 'joinEntity' => entity used to 'join' nodes, if not specified, the entity
* 'and' will be used.
* 'joinRel' => relation used to 'join' nodes, if not specified, the relation
* ':op' will be used.
* 'isJoinable' => optional, a function "(id1:string, id2:string, graph:AMRGraph, utils: AMRUtils) => boolean",
* must return true if the two nodes are joinable.
* @param {rangeIds} string[], an array of 2 positions (start node and end node),
* if not specified both will be the root; if only rangeIds[0] is not specified,
* it will assume the value of rangeIds[1].
* @param {algParams} AlgParams, the algorithm parameters. Identifies "non-joinable"
* relationships and entities. Accepts regular expressions and strings. if not specified:
* 'notJoinableRelations' => [/^:instance$/].
* 'notJoinableEntities' => [/^name$/].
* @return {{graph:AMRGraph;map:{[key:string]:string}}} The new graph generated given the operations,
* and the map which maps the old ids of the joined graph to the new ids in the new graph.
graph: AMRGraph,
piece: GraphPiece,
rangeIds?: [string, string?],
algParams?: AlgParams,
): AMRGraph
* Does a heuristic search of the graph based on a pattern,
* which pattern is a graph and a reference (id / amr var name) to an a usually "amr-unknown" instance node.
* Each possible answer has a score, the higher the better.
* @param {graph} AMRGraph, the graph.
* @param {patternGraph} AMRGraph, the graph representing a pattern.
* @param {patternFindId} string, optional, pattern graph id to look for, if not specified, look for instance nodes "amr-unknown".
* @param {getScores} boolean, optional, if true, returns the scores of the nodes found; default true.
* @param {func} ScoreFunc optional, a function "(id1:string, id2:string, graph:AMRGraph, patternGraph: AMRGraph, utils: AMRUtils) => number",
* returns the score of 2 nodes, larger values represent a more relevant pattern,
* return 0 if there is no pattern, this optimizes the algorithm.
* @return {ScoreResultOrString[]} An ordered list with the results.
graph: AMRGraph,
patternGraph: AMRGraph,
patternFindId: string,
getScores: boolean = true,
func?: ScoreFunc,
): ScoreResult[] | string[]
* Performs a search given a condition, based on the types
* of relationships and instances of the graph, returning
* the nodes/ids (names of AMR variables) that match
* the condition. The search is done starting with the "root"
* parameter. The first id is returned given the minimum search
* depth, this gives an idea of "context" given the specified root.
* If you want to search the entire depth of the graph,
* you need to pass the argument fullSearch=true.
* @param {graph} AMRGraph, the graph.
* @param {subjectInstance} stringOrRegExp, subject instance name (ex: "person"), can be empty.
* @param {predicate} stringOrRegExp, predicate name (ex: ":mod"), can be empty.
* @param {objectInstance} stringOrRegExp, subject instance name (ex: "name"), can be empty.
* @param {root} AMRGraph, search start node, if it is empty it will start at the root.
* @param {fullSearch} boolean, search full graph depth.
* @param {func} SearchFunc optional, a function "(parent:string,relation:string,child:string,graph:AMRGraph,utils:AMRUtils)=>string[]",
* the function need to return found ids.
* This search still considers the previous parameters like "subjectInstance" and so on;
* if you want to ignore them, you can pass the value "" in these parameters.
* @return {string[]} the ids that satisfy the condition given the minimum search depth.
graph: AMRGraph,
subjectInstance?: (RegExp | string),
predicate?: (RegExp | string),
objectInstance?: (RegExp | string),
root?: string,
fullSearch?: boolean,
): string[]
* Returns a subgraph from a starting node (id), to an ending node (endId if it exists).
* @param {graph} AMRGraph, the graph.
* @param {id} string, start of subgraph.
* @param {endId} string, end of subgraph, optional.
* @return {AMRGraph} the subgraph.
graph: AMRGraph,
id: string,
endId?: string,
): AMRGraph
* Finds the id (name of the AMR variable) of the root of a graph.
* @param {graph} AMRGraph, the graph.
* @return {string} the id value of the root of a graph.
rootId(graph: AMRGraph): string
* Returns a graph with a single node given an instance name.
* @param {instance} string, instance name.
* @return {AMRGraph} the graph.
createInstance(instance: string): AMRGraph
* clone a graph.
* @param {graphs} AMRGraph[], Graph that will be cloned.
* @return {AMRGraph} the clone.
clone(graph: AMRGraph): AMRGraph
* Clone N graphs.
* @param {graphs} AMRGraph[], Graphs that will be cloned.
* @return {AMRGraph[]} the clones.
cloneN(graphs: AMRGraph[]): AMRGraph[]
* Convert triples to an AMR graph instance from the library.
* @param {triples} Triple[], triples, in the form: [['s','p','o'],...].
* @return {AMRGraph} AMR graph instance.
triplesToAMRGraph(triples: Triple[]): AMRGraph
* Convert AMR graph instance from the library to the triples.
* @param {AMRGraph[]} AMRGraph instance.
* @return {Triple[]} triples, in the form: [['s','p','o'],...].
AMRGraphToTriples(graph: AMRGraph): Triple[]
* Returns the instance name of a node.
* @param {graph} AMRGraph instance.
* @param {id} string, id/var name of node.
* @return {string} instance name.
instanceOf(graph: AMRGraph, id: string): string
* Finds the parents of a node.
* @param {graph} AMRGraph, the graph.
* @param {id} string, the id value of the node.
* @param {predicate} stringOrRegExp, optional, relationship name.
* @return {string[]} the parents.
parentsOf(graph: AMRGraph, id: string, predicate?: string | RegExp): string[]
* Finds the childs of a node.
* @param {graph} AMRGraph, the graph.
* @param {id} string, the id value of the node.
* @param {predicate} stringOrRegExp, optional, relationship name.
* @param {ignoreInstance} boolean, if true, ignore instance child node.
* @return {string[]} the childs.
graph: AMRGraph,
id: string,
predicate?: string | RegExp,
ignoreInstance?: boolean,
): string[]
* Transforms a string into an array of words.
* @param {input} string, text input.
* @return {string[]} array of words.
tokenize(input: string): string[]
* Transforms a string into an array of name leafs.
* @param {input} string, text input.
* @return {string[]} array with name leafs.
tokenizeName(input: string): string[] {
return this.tokenize(input).map((p) => `\"${p}\"`);
* Create a list-type AMR node.
* @param {ops} StringOrAMRGraph[], child nodes.
* @param {instance} string, instance type, ex: "and", "or", "multi-sentence".
* @param {rel} string, relation name, ex: ":op", ":sn".
* @return {AMRGraph} a graph with the list node.
ops: (string | AMRGraph)[],
instance: string,
rel: string,
): AMRGraph
* Adds new elements to an existing list node.
* @param {ops} StringOrAMRGraph[], child nodes.
* @param {graph} AMRGraph, the graph.
* @param {id} string, the id value of the list node, If empty, use the root node.
* @param {rel} string, relation name, ex: ":op", ":sn", If empty,
* check what type of relationship exists for its child nodes.
ops: (string | AMRGraph)[],
graph: AMRGraph,
id?: string,
rel?: string,
): void
* Returns possible reifications based on a semantic relationship.
* @param {relation} string, relation name.
* @return {stringOrRegExp[]} Possible reifications.
reificationFromRelation(relation: string): (string | RegExp)[]
* Returns possible semantic relationships based on an reification instance type.
* @param {instance} string, instance name.
* @return {stringOrRegExp[]} Possible relations.
relationFromReification(instance: string): (string | RegExp)[]
There is also a collection of other simpler methods for manipulating AMR Graphs. All are documented in the code and are self explanatory.
You can create a python server to do deep learning processing and communicate with your application, see the example:
In python:
from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
import json
import penman
import amrlib
stog = amrlib.load_stog_model('models/stog')
gtos = amrlib.load_gtos_model('models/gtos')
port = 41425
class NLPHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_POST(self):
data_string ='content-length')))
data = json.loads(data_string);
if "text" in data:
res = penman.decode(stog.parse_sents([data["text"]])[0]).triples;
elif "graph" in data:
res, _ = gtos.generate([penman.encode(penman.Graph(data["graph"]), indent=None)])
res = res[0]
self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
server_object = HTTPServer(server_address=('', port), RequestHandlerClass=NLPHandler)
print('starting NLP core at port: '+str(port))
In application:
import {
} from "";
export default class NLP {
static utils = new AMRUtils();
static url = "http://localhost:41425";
static async #post(data: any): Promise<any> {
return (await (await fetch(NLP.url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(data),
static async gen(graph: AMRGraph): Promise<string> {
return await this.#post({ graph: NLP.utils.AMRGraphToTriples(graph) });
static async parse(text: string): Promise<AMRGraph> {
return NLP.utils.triplesToAMRGraph(await this.#post({ text: text }));
deno bundle amr_utils.js
Author: Henrique Emanoel Viana, a Brazilian computer scientist, enthusiast of web technologies, cel: +55 (41) 99999-4664. URL:
Improvements and suggestions are welcome!