This repository contains Dockerfiles for creating Docker images of the OpenCV computer vision library with NVIDIA CUDA support based on the official CUDA images. The images contain the opencv_contrib modules and Python bindings.
Currently the images are based on the development (devel
) version of the images from Nvidia, so all the development tools are installed as well. It is on my TODO-List to include base
and runtime
versions corresponding to those from the Nvidia repository.
To build and run these containers leveraging NVIDIA GPUs, you need a Nvidia GPU, Docker and the NVIDIA Container Toolkit.
docker run julianassmann/opencv-cuda:cuda-<version>-opencv-<version>
e. g.
docker run julianassmann/opencv-cuda:cuda-10.2-opencv-4.2
Navigate to the directory corresponding with the correct versions for Ubuntu, CUDA and OpenCV respectively you want to build and run
docker build -t <image_name> .