LEXXI is an abstraction layer (toolkit? meta-framework?) for quickly developing internet projects with a relatively straightforward express stack. It ties together some technologies you might choose for building a web application and then gets out of your way so you can make the magic happen.
Included by default:
- express (configured with handlebars and significant amount of sensible defaults)
- mongoose
- q
- lodash
- bcrypt-nodejs
- request
- moment
- math
- mime
- gm
- voca
- knox
- nodemailer
- tachyons
LEXXI also introduces boilerplate, lightweight build scripts, error handling, application logging, lightweight authentication middleware, and a flexible application structure that can be organized in a variety of ways.
Read the full documentation here: http://lexxi.hexgirlfriend.com
Install with Yeoman (recommended)
1. Install the Yeoman CLI (if you haven't already)
npm install -g yo
2. Install the LEXXI project generator
npm install -g generator-lexxi
3. Run the generator in your (empty) new project directory
yo lexxi
4. Start it up
npm run dev
You can now point your favorite internet browser to http://localhost:3001, where, if all went well, you'll see our friend (っ◕‿◕)っ reaching out for love in a world of darkness ♥
You are now free to develop your application as you see fit. Again, refer to the LEXXI documentation for more information about developing with this set of tools.
1. Clone this repo into your (blank) project directory
git clone https://github.com/hxgf/lexxi.git .
2. Disconnect your project from this repo
rm -Rf .git
3. Install all the dependencies
npm install
4. Start it up
npm run dev