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Releases: hybridgroup/gocv


07 Jun 06:55
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  • all
    • update to OpenCV 4.6.0
  • build
    • Switch to Github Actions for Linux CI build
    • Use go -tags static when verifying static build
  • core
    • Add Mat.ElemSize (#964)
    • avoid index out of range panic in NewPointsVectorFromPoints
  • video
    • add findTransformECC function
  • contrib/ximgproc
    • add PeiLinNormalization() function
    • add anisotropicDiffusion() function
    • implement edgePreservingFilter()
    • implement niBlackThreshold and thinning filters


14 Mar 14:23
Choose a tag to compare
  • all
    • update to OpenCV 4.5.5
  • build
    • add install_nonfree make task to build all opencv_contrib modules
    • correct download location for onnx test file
    • Update Makefile for missing version changes
  • core
    • correct how memory is being allocated for Eye(), Zeros(), and Ones() to address issue #930
  • calib3d
    • Adding support for estimateAffine2DWithParams (#924)
  • imgproc
    • Add DrawContoursWithParams function
  • photo
    • Add bindings for fastNlMeansDenoising and fastNlMeansDenoisingColored
    • add detailEnhance function
    • add EdgePreservingFilter function
    • add PencilSketch function
    • add stylization function
  • docs
    • add godoc comments for FastNlMeansDenoising functions
    • update README with info on latest mingw-w64 t use for Windows builds
    • dnn pose detect examples correct the order of the argument variable name
  • examples
    • Fixed memory leaks in the motion detection example
  • openvino
    • Update and
  • windows
    • use mingw-w64 8.1.0 for protobuf compile
  • contrib
    • add cv::wechat_qrcode::WeChatQRCode (#949)
    • Update cgo_static.go


08 Nov 19:18
Choose a tag to compare
  • all
    • update to OpenCV 4.5.4
  • build
    • add static build ability on windows
    • use tbb for all builds for CPU accelerated operations
  • cuda
    • implement a bunch of per-element operations
    • add get/set/reset device functions
    • add NewGpuMatWithSize() to preallocate device memory
    • Reshape() returns a new GpuMat with the changed data
    • correct use of Stream by adding WaitForCompletion() and passing pre-allocated GpuMats
  • docs
    • update ROADMAP from recent contributions
  • videoio
    • Fix open video capture with api test (#895)
  • calib3d
    • added EstimateAffine2D
    • findChessboardCornersSB
  • aruco
    • added many functions as part of initial implementation


19 Jul 20:47
Choose a tag to compare
  • all
    • update to OpenCV 4.5.3
    • make task and build tag for static build of OpenCV/GoCV on Linux
    • add Makefile tasks for OpenCV install on Nvidia Jetson
    • add gotest for more colorful test output running tests from containers
  • build
    • correcting output format for code coverage report
    • enforce rule that all Go code is correctly formatted
    • remove codecov
  • core
    • add NewPointVectorFromMat() and NewPoint2fVectorFromMat() functions
    • Fix possible MatProfile race by ordering remove before free.
  • cuda
    • add core functions for GpuMat like Cols(), Rows(), and Type()
    • initial implementation for the Flip function
  • docs
    • update ROADMAP from recent contributions
  • examples
    • correct list of examples and fix comment
  • features2d
    • Add NewORBWithParams
  • tracking
    • change MOSSE to KCF
  • highgui
    • Add function CreateTrackbarWithValue to Window type.
  • imgcodec
    • optimize IMEncode avoiding multiple data copies.
  • imgproc
    • Add CircleWithParams function
    • Add DilateWithParams() function (#827)
    • Add EllipseWithParams function
    • Add FillPolyWithParams function
    • Add PointPolygonTest function
    • Add RectangleWithParams function
  • photo
    • add MergeMertens, AlignMTB and Denoising function (#848)
  • xphoto
    • Add Xphoto contrib (#844)


09 Apr 15:12
Choose a tag to compare
  • all
    • update to OpenCV 4.5.2
  • core
    • add Append() to PointsVector/PointVector
    • add cv::RNG
    • add implementation for Point2fVector
    • add rand functions
    • add test coverage for PointsVector
    • create new PointsVector/PointVector wrappers to avoid repetitive memory copying for seeming innocent operations involving slices of image.Point
    • test coverage for Point2f
    • use PointVector for everything that we can to speed up pipeline when passing around Point vectors
    • use enum instead of int for Invert Method
  • cuda
    • adding HoughLinesDetector and HoughSegmentDetector
    • adding tests for the CannyEdgeDetector
    • some refactoring of the API
    • adding dockerfiles for OpenCV 4.5.2 with CUDA 11.2
    • add GaussianFilter
    • correct signature and test for Threshold
    • implement SobelFilter
    • move arithm module functions into correct location
    • rename files to get rid of so many cudas
    • add abs function implementation
  • dnn
    • increase test coverage
  • docker
    • make all Dockerfiles names/tags more consistent
  • docs
    • add CUDA functions that need implementation to ROADMAP
    • remove invalid sections and add some missing functions from ROADMAP
  • imgproc
    • Add FindContoursWithParams function
    • Add ToImageYUV and ToImageYUVWithParams
  • make
    • add make task to show changelog for next release
  • wechat_qrcode
    • disable module in Windows due to linker error


11 Jan 08:11
Choose a tag to compare
  • all
    • update to OpenCV 4.5.1
  • core
    • add Matrix initializers: eye, ones, zeros (#758)
    • add multidimensional mat creation
    • add ndim mat constructor
    • added accumulators
    • added norm call with two mats (#600)
    • keep a reference to a []byte that backs a Mat. (#755)
    • remove guard for DataPtrUint8 since any Mat can be treated an Uint8
    • add Mat IsContinuous() function, and ensure that any Mat data pointers used to create Go slices only apply to continuous Mats
    • fix buffer size for Go strings for 32-bit operating systems
  • build
    • bring back
  • calib3d
    • correctly close mat after test
  • dnn
    • add ReadNetFromONNX and ReadNetFromONNXBytes (#760)
    • increase test coverage
  • docker
    • dockerfiles for opencv gpu builds
  • docs
    • corrected links to CUDA and OpenVINO
    • list all unimplemented functions in photo module
    • replace GoDocs with pkg docs
    • update ROADMAP from recent contributions
  • imgproc
    • add test coverage for GetTextSizeWithBaseline()
    • close all Mats even those based on memory slices
    • close Mat to avoid memory leak in ToImage()
    • refactoring of ToImage and ImageToMatXX functions
  • openvino
    • fix dldt repo in makefile for openvino
  • os
    • adding gcc-c++ package to rpm deps
  • photo
    • add SeamlessClone function
  • profile
    • add created mats in Split and ForwardLayers to profile (#780)


21 Oct 21:34
Choose a tag to compare
  • all
    • update to opencv release 4.5.0
  • build
    • add file dependencies needed for DNN tests
    • add verbose output for tests on CircleCI
    • also run unit tests on non-free algorithms. YMMV.
    • fix build with cuda
    • remove Travis and switch to CircleCI using Docker based builds
    • update CI builds to Go 1.15
  • core
    • add mixChannels() method to Mat (#746)
    • Add toGoStrings helper
    • support ConvertToWithParams method
  • dnn
    • Add NMSBoxes function (#736)
    • Added ability to load Torch file. Tested features for extracting 128d vectors
    • fix using wrong type for unconnectedlayertype
    • use default ddepth for conversions to blob from image as recommended by @berak
  • docker
    • use separate dockerfile for opencv to avoid massive rebuild
  • docs
    • add recent contributions to ROADMAP and also add cuda functions still in need of implementation
    • display CircleCI badge in README
    • minor improvements to CUDA docs in READMEs
  • features2d
    • add FlannBasedMatcher
    • add drawmatches (#720)
    • fix memory leak in SIFT
  • highgui
    • refactored ROI methods
  • imgproc
    • Add option to return baseline with GetTextSizeWithBaseline
  • objdetect
    • Add QRCode DetectAndDecodeMulti
  • videoio
    • Add video capture properties and set preferred api backend (#739)
    • fix needed as discussed in golang/go issue #32479


30 Jul 15:21
Choose a tag to compare
  • all
    • update Makefile and README
    • change constants and corresponding function signatures to have the correct types (#689)
    • replace master branch terminology with release
    • update to OpenCV 4.4.0
  • calib3d
    • add FindHomography()
    • add function EstimateAffinePartial2D()
    • add GetAffineTransform() and GetAffineTransform2f()
    • add UndistortPoints(), FisheyeUndistortPoints() and EstimateNewCameraMatrixForUndistortRectify()
  • core
    • add MultiplyWithParams
  • docs
    • add recent contributions to ROADMAP
    • create
    • update copyright year
  • features2d
    • close returned Mat from SIFT algorithm
    • fix issue 707 with DrawKeyPoints
    • SIFT patent now expired so is part of main OpenCV modules
  • imgproc
    • change struct to remove GNU old-style field designator extension warning


13 Apr 09:35
Choose a tag to compare
  • build
    • update Makefile and README
    • update to use go1.14
  • calib3d
    • add draw chessboard
  • core
    • fix memory leak in Mat.Size() and Mat.Split() (#580)
  • cuda
    • add build support
    • add cuda backend/target
    • add support for:
      • cv::cuda::CannyEdgeDetector
      • cv::cuda::CascadeClassifier Class
      • cv::cuda::HOG Class
    • remove breaking case statement
  • dnn
    • avoid parallel test runs
    • remove attempt at providing grayscale image blog conversion that uses mean adjustment
  • docker
    • docker file last command change (#505)
  • docs
    • add recent contributions to ROADMAP
  • imgproc
    • add ErodeWithParams function
    • add getGaussianKernel function
    • add Go Point2f type and update GetPerspectiveTransform() (#589)
    • add PhaseCorrelate binding (#626)
    • added Polylines feature
    • do not free contours data until after we have drawn the needed contours
    • Threshold() should return a value (#620)
  • make
    • added raspberry pi zero support to the makefile
  • opencv
    • update to OpenCV 4.3.0
  • openvino
    • add build support
  • windows
    • add cmake flag for allocator stats counter type to avoid opencv issue #16398


23 Dec 11:28
Choose a tag to compare
  • bgsegm
    • Add BackgroundSubtractorCNT
  • calib3d
    • Added undistort function (#520)
  • core
    • add functions (singular value decomposition, multiply between matrices, transpose matrix) (#559)
    • Add new funcs (#578)
    • add setIdentity() method to Mat
    • add String method (#552)
    • MatType: add missing constants
  • dnn
    • Adding GetLayerNames()
    • respect the bit depth of the input image to set the expected output when converting an image to a blob
  • doc
    • change opencv version 3.x to 4.x
  • docker
    • use Go1.13.5 for image
  • imgcodecs
    • Fix webp image decode error (#523)
      imgcodecs: optimize copy of data used for IMDecode method
  • imgproc
    • Add GetRectSubPix
    • Added ClipLine
    • Added InvertAffineTransform
    • Added LinearPolar function (#524)
    • correct ksize param used for MedianBlur unit test
    • Feature/put text with line type (#527)
    • FitEllipse
    • In FillPoly and DrawContours functions, remove func() wrap to avoid memory freed before calling opencv functions. (#543)
  • objdetect
    • Add support QR codes
  • opencv
    • update to OpenCV 4.2.0 release
  • openvino
    • Add openvino async
  • test
    • Tolerate imprecise result in SolvePoly
    • Tolerate imprecision in TestHoughLines