Low Energy Algoritm Framework
This algorithm is an alternative and simple LE fitter than can be used for HyperK and SuperK.
2020/02/09: LEAF was convert as a C++ class and can be included in your code.
New compilation method:
source RunAtStart.sh
cd leaf/
make clean; make
In order to use the class in your code look at example/
- BONSAI installation.
- ROOT v5r34 or superior (not tested for older versions, but might work).
- HKAstroAnalysis class is private and can be downloaded by SK collaborators on sukap cluster.
- WCSim-hybrid version: for geometries "HyperK", "HyperK_mPMT", "HyperK_HybridmPMT", "HyperK_HybridmPMT10PC"
- In general, with all WCSim-hybrid geometries using whether BoxandLine20inchHQE or PMT3inchR14374 PMTs.
- With official HK WCSim: Ask G. Pronost.
- Source RunAtStart.sh after you updated your ROOT directory.
- Use the script ./SetupDataModel.sh to define the DataModel (if you have hk-AstroAnalysis, you should setup the global variable)
- Enter the leaf/ repository and make clean;make
- Enter the example repository and make clean;make
- One example of how to run the code is set in example: test_example.sh
- inputs PDF, input from WCSim can be downloaded on sukap cluster. Please untar them in the LEAF repository.
- You can use shell scripts in shell/ in order to run the fitter or launch on batch.
You can compile with GNUMake like following in ./macros:
$ make ProducePDF
- Produce plots by AnalyzeWSHierarchy: reads out WCSim output and makes plots.
- Produce time PDF (and angular PDF) by ProducePDF: uses plots made by AnalyzeWSHierarchy and generate PDFs for LEAF.
$ AnalyzeWSHierarchy -f wcrim_hybrid.root -o plots.root
$ ProducePDF -f plots.root -o PDF.root
- LEAFOutputAnalysisHybrid_leafclass: read LEAF output to produce generic plots. If one uses the master branch for LEAF, please use LEAFOutputAnalysisHybrid_master
You can refere shell scripts in ./shell in order to analyze many files. They are not working with latest LEAF class and its examples. They are just example how to analyze.
- generateShellXX.c: this is a root macro which generates shell scripts to be submitted to sukap by LauncherXX.sh
- generateShell.c
- generateShell_analyzeWCSim.c
- LauncherXX.sh: this submits jobs to sukap
- Launcher.sh
- Launcher_analyzeWCSim.sh
- Merger_analyzeWCSim.sh: merge generated output by Launcher_analyzeWCSim.sh