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Feeder gives you a mountable engine that provides a route to a feed page in your Ruby on Rails application.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'feeder'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install feeder

Install the migrations:

rake feeder:install:migrations

Run the migrations:

rake db:migrate

Include the helpers in your controllers:

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  helper Feeder::AuthorizationHelper
  helper Feeder::LikeHelper


To make Feeder available, mount it to a route by adding the following somewhere in your config/routes.rb:

mount Feeder::Engine => "/feed"

You will now be able to display a feed on /feed in your application. In order for Feeder to display anything in your feed, however, you will need to make views per item type in the feed. Feeder looks up these views in app/views/feeder/types by default, and then checks for a partial with the same name as your item type. As an example, if you have a Message model that you wish to list out on your feed, you would make a file called _message.html.erb in app/views/feeder/types.

Then, all you need to do is to declare that your Message model is feedable:

class Message < ActiveRecord::Base
  # If you don't want to publish every message in the feed,
  # you can provide an option: `if: -> message { message.show_in_feed? }`


Want to filter out what feedables to display in your feed? We've got you covered through the all-powerful filter scope! Give it a scope or model class, and Feeder makes sure to only return feed items with the specified feedables. For example: say you have the following feedables:

  • ShortMessage
  • Tweet
  • NewsArticle

To get Feeder::Items with news articles having IDs [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], tweets from featured scope and all short message, you could do like this:

  NewsArticle.where(id: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),

NOTE: The filter scope is exclusive, meaning that anything you do not pass in to it will also not be brought back. With the above feedables, if you only want short messages [1, 3, 4], but all of the tweets and news articles, you would have to specify them as well, like this:

  ShortMessage.where(id: [1, 3, 4]),

The following would only return feed items with short messages:



Feeder.configure do |config|
  # A list of scopes that will be applied to the feed items in the controller.
  config.scopes << proc { limit 5 }

You have access to the controller in the scope, which enables you to do cool stuff like this:

Feeder.configure do |config|
  # A list of scopes that will be applied to the feed items in the controller.
  config.scopes << proc { |ctrl| limit ctrl.params[:limit] }

If your scope evaluates to nil it will not be applied to prevent it from breaking the scope chain. This enables optional paramaters by doing something like this:

Feeder.configure do |config|
  # A list of scopes that will be applied to the feed items in the controller.
  config.scopes << proc { |ctrl| ctrl.params.has_key?(:limit) limit(ctrl.params[:limit]) : nil }

Add this to your spec/spec_helper.rb if you don't want to create Feeder::Item during the tests:

Feeder.configure do |config|
  config.test_mode = true


You can "sticky" items in your feed so they're pinned at the top regardless of when they were created. Just set the sticky attribute and Feeder will take care of the rest.


You can appoint moderators to recommend exemplary items to your feed. You can configure the conditions upon which a user is allowed to recommend items by creating an authorization adapter.

Feeder.configure do |config|
  config.authorization_adapter = MyAuthorizationAdapter

An authorization adapter is just a class that can be initialized with a user and responds to authorized? (see Feeder::AuthorizationAdapters::Base).

Feeder ships with an authorization adapter for CanCan. To use it, just set the authorization_adapter configuration to Feeder::AuthorizationAdapter::CanCanAdapter. If your ability is called something other than Ability, you will also want to configure cancan_ability_class to refer to it. If the method to derive the current user is called something other than current_user, you will also want to configure current_user_method.

Feeder.configure do |config|
  config.authorization_adapter = Feeder::AuthorizationAdapters::CanCanAdapter
  config.authorization_adapter.cancan_ability_class  = 'Permission'
  config.current_user_method = 'current_author'


You can let users like items in your feed. As with recommendations you can configure the conditions upon which users is allowed to recommend items by creating an authorization adapter.

You can also configure feeder to enable the use of multiple kinds of "likes" by setting the like_scopes configuration variable.

Feeder.configure do |config|
  config.like_scopes = [:cred, :kudos]


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Hyper made this. We're a digital communications agency with a passion for good code, and if you're using this library we probably want to hire you.


Feeder is available under the MIT license. See the MIT-LICENSE file for more info.