Basic collection with Generics support
composer require hyqo/collection
For example, we have a Product
class that we want to wrap in a collection:
class Product
public $title;
public $amount;
public function __construct(string $title, int $amount){
$this->title = $title;
$this->amount = $amount;
Create a collection:
use \Hyqo\Collection\Collection;
use function \Hyqo\Collection\collect;
$collection = new Collection([new Product('foo', 10), new Product('bar', 2)]);
$collection = collect([new Product('foo', 10), new Product('bar', 2)]);
There are three ways for code auto-completion:
1. Create a collection with items (not empty):
use Hyqo\Collection\Collection;
$collection = new Collection([new Product('foo', 10), new Product('bar', 2)]);
2. Use PHPDoc with Generics annotation:
use Hyqo\Collection\Collection;
/** @var Collection<Product> $collection */
$collection = new Collection();
3. Use your own class with @extends
use Hyqo\Collection\Collection;
/** @extends Collection<Product> */
class ProductCollection extends Collection
$collection = new ProductCollection();
Now you have auto-completion (see the picture above)
function add($item): static
Add new item to a collection:
function get(int $index): T|null
Get item of a collection by index:
function each(callable $closure): static<T>
Pass each item to a closure:
$collection->each(function(Product $product) {
// do something
function map(callable $closure): static<T>
Pass each item to a closure and create a new collection of results.
The closure must return a value of T
or \Generator<T>
$collection->map(function(Product $product) {
// do something
return $product;
function reduce(callable $closure, $initial = null): mixed|null
Reduces the collection to a single value:
$collection = new Collection([new Product('foo', 10), new Product('bar', 2)]);
$amount = $collection->reduce(function($carry, Product $product) {
return $carry + $product->amount;
// 4
function slice(int $first, ?int $length = null): static<T>
Create a new collection with a slice of the current one:
function copy(): static<T>
Create a new collection with the same elements (alias for slice(0)
function chunk(int $length): \Generator<static<T>>
Breaks the collection into multiple collections of a given length. The last one may contain fewer elements:
function filter(callable $closure): static<T>
Pass each item to a closure and create a new collection of items for which its result will be true
The closure must return a bool
$collection->filter(function(Product $product){
return $product->amount > 1;
function toArray(?callable $closure = null): array
Return all items of a collection. You can transform every element of array via a closure. If you need an associative array, the closure should return a generator yielding a key/value pair.
The closure must return any value or \Generator<array-key,mixed>
$collection->toArray(); // [Product, Product]
$collection->toArray(function(Product $product) {
return $product->title;
}); // ['foo', 'bar']
$collection->toArray(function(Product $product): \Generator {
yield $product->title => $product->amount;
}); // ['foo'=>10, 'bar'=>2]