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Tips for the Modron Planes

Tommi Gustafsson edited this page Feb 15, 2024 · 11 revisions


The Modron planes can be pretty tough in GnollHack, but the rewards are great. Here are some tips how to complete the Modron planes.

1. Skip the Planes as Priest or Valkyrie


they do not need The Prime Codex.

You pretty much can skip the Modron planes, or visit the shop and then skip the rest of the planes.

2. Use Invisibility and Ranged Weapons

Invisibility and ranged weapons are really good against Modrons, because they cannot see invisible. Do not engage in melee combat with Modrons unless necessary.

3. Use Scroll of Conflict and Dropped Blessed Scroll of Scare Monster

In hard situations, you can drop a blessed scroll of scare monster and stand on it. It works against all Modrons except Primus. Just remember not to attack any monsters while standing on it, or it will turn cursed and you cannot pick it up any more. However, you can use a scroll of conflict to wreck havoc among the Modrons.

After picking the scroll of scare monster up, please remember to bless it again.

It is also possible to engage several hierarchical Modrons while a single scroll of conflict is up.

4. Use Wand of Cancellation

Wand of cancellation works on all Modrons except Primus. You can use it to disable spell casting on all hierarcical modrons except Primus.

5. Use Potions of Greater/Lightning Speed and Potions of Heroism/Super Heroism

In difficult fights, such as with Primus, you can use a potion of greater speed or a potion of lightning speed to speed up your movement. A potion of heroism and a potion of super-heroism will also give you advantage in difficult fights.

6. Use Potions of Full Healing and Gladstone for Healing

You should have at least one potion of full healing in an open inventory for emergencies. The Gladstone is good for partial healing, too.

7. Use Amulet of Life Saving

For emergencies, an amulet of life saving is great as well, because Modrons can deal a great amount of damage quite quickly.

8. Boost Your HP

Use all means in the game, such as a belt of fortitude, to boost your HP to high levels. This is important because Modrons deal a lot of damage quite quickly.

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