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Demo Days Template Repository - Browser, Camera. Action 🎬

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Demo Days Banner demo days javascript action

Browser Camera Action

  • TODO insert demo days logo
  • Make a badge for our action
  • publish our action to the market place

Heres the plan ... we have about an hour

  • Build a javascript action
  • Write a file to the runner filesystem
  • Upload a "build" artifact from our action
  • use git command from within a workflow*
  • use the octokit-rest.js wrapper to call the GitHub API from our action
  • extension task add cat pictures with live shareβ„’ audience participation (possible prize 🎁 )


We will be building a GitHub Action using javascript (node.js) and interacting with various pieces of functionality exploring some of the art of the possible, If all goes well and hurricane ISAIAS hasn't taken out the power ⚑ πŸ₯Š then I'll be showing off GitHubs new Cloud Development Environment otherwise known as codepsaces

I'm working on the theory that most folk's attending the live twitch are familiar with git and :octocat: GitHub, and that most folks are πŸ†’ with creating branches, creating and merging pull requests and not 😨 a little command-line git

I'll be working from a ο£Ώ Mac but you can run follow along on a system of your choice - if you are lucky enough to be part of the codespaces beta - you can even try following along with just a tablet ... ( a phone might be a little ambitious and a sub-optimal experience)

πŸ“£ ‼️ - If you are planning on coding along then you will need to set up your environment with some tools see code along resources

Steps we're going to attempt

Step 1. A simple workflow...

  • Create a new GitHub Repository and initialize with a
  • Add our initial workflow (it will run our action) ... we'll need a few things
    • A workflow file .github/workflow/main.yml
    • let's run with just a script to πŸ“£ echo first

ℹ️ now is a good time to discuss actions basics, eco-system and some of the cool extensions in CDE/Codespace
Also the amazing eco-system of actions for all manor of things that already exists



name: demo days javascript action
      - 'test*' 
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: hello world
        run: | 
          echo "hello world"

Step 2. - Building on Step 1. with javascript and index,js

  • install our @actions/core and @actions/github packages
  • An action.yml that describes our action
  • Add Some code to index.js that doesn't ... break stuff ... console.log("hello")
  • Run npm ci - we will need to check in the modules
  • turn on actions debugging γŠ™οΈ ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG set to TRUE
  • log out the event context and see what's there
  • the ubiquitous hello-world

initialise node and install node dependencies

npm init -y

npm install @actions/core
npm install @actions/github


const core = require('@actions/core');
const github = require('@actions/github');

async function run (){ 
  try {
    console.log(`hello ghdd participant handle on twitch!`);

    // the github.context provides all of the information you might want to know 
    // about the event that triggered the workflow and the user that instigated the event 
    const context = github.context;

    // it's a json payload so we can simply use JSON.stringify to output to the console
    // JSON.stringify(context, undefined, 2) will format nicely for our output rather than
    // JSON.stringify(context)

    console.log(JSON.stringify(context, undefined, 2));
  catch (error) {
    // this will bubble our error message up into the UI 



name: demo days javascript action
      - 'test*'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Our Javascript Action
        uses: ./

a yaml descriptor for our action

name: 'action for light hearted issue ops'
description: 'mostly about cats, dogs and fortune cookies'

  using: 'node12'
  main: 'index.js'  ## note you CAN use a dist instead of uploading your node_modulesβ„’

good time to talk about secrets, vaults integration, and some security considerations

step 3. Upload an artifact
We will be using the node module specifically built for this

  • write the context information to file (standard IO)
  • import the actions artifact (require)
  • trigger the action and download our artifact

You should see something like this in your actions run

artifact uploaded



const core = require('@actions/core');
const github = require('@actions/github');
const artifact = require('@actions/artifact');
const fs = require('fs');

async function run () {
  try {    

    //get the github context (core)
    const context = github.context;
    // log context eventName - this is what caused the action to run
    console.log(`Processing event : ${context.eventName}`)

    // we probably don't need this in here anymore but 
    console.log(`hello ghdd participant handle on twitch!`);

    // first write the file to the working directory 
    fs.writeFileSync('context.json', JSON.stringify(context, undefined, 2));

    // now create an artifactClient
    const artifactClient = artifact.create();
    // choose the files -> array of filenames (standard fs path things work here too)
    const files = ["context.json"];
    // specify the rootdirectory 
    const rootDir = ".";
    // if the artifact is non-essential - don't fail
    const options = {
      continueOnError: true
    // upload the artifact with a parameterized name - in this case incorporating the run Id
    const artifactInfo = await artifactClient.uploadArtifact(`Context-run-${context.runId}`,files, rootDir, options);

    console.log("artifact uploaded");
    // log out the response from the Artifact create operation
    console.log(JSON.stringify(artifactInfo, undefined, 2));

  } catch (error) {


install @actions/artifact package

npm install @actions/artifact
# optionally do a clean install with npm ci
npm ci
# use git status to ensure you have the required package 
git status

example outut from git status

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

Step 4. Adding files to the repo

  • add a run job to our existing action
  • use some simple commands to set up our git client and push some code
  • go see our repo

There may be times when we want to add files that were generated and commit them into the repository. We can do that by simply using git from the shell in our runner

update our workflow with some good ole CLI git which is not the same as git-cli

name: demo days javascript action
      - 'test*' 
      - opened
      - edited
      - created
      - edited
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: checkout #this checks out our code to the container
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Our Javascript Action # this runs our action using the descriptor in action.yml
        uses: ./
      - name: write context info  # this runs git commands on the commandline 
        run: | 
          git config ${{ github.action }}
          git config
          git config advice.addIgnoredFile false ## this silences warnings if you are trying to push excluded files
          git add -f context.json
          git commit -am "action updated context.json [ ${{ github.run_number }} ] "
          git push 

you should now see the file in the list on your test branch image of file in list on test branch

Step 5 - interacting with the GitHub API

Github has a pretty awesome API! it also has some super convenient wrappers namely

The Octokit ocktokit

We will be working with the javascript wrapper but there are others including .net and ruby

Specifically in this step we are going to mess around with issues and issue comments (handled differently FYI) - we will use the octokit client in our index.js and interact with new and edited issues.

ℹ️ ⚠️ Issue events (and certain other events) only trigger workflow runs on the default branch. You may observe me force pushing to the default branch -which is fine for having fun, but obviously you should use a solid code review process like GitHub Flow :)

😈 Devil in the Detail 😈

So we will need to update our workflow file and set our on: parameter to πŸ‘‚ listen for issue related events..

adding this should do the trick - just watch your indentations if in doubt use one the snippet at the end

      - opened
      - edited
      - created
      - edited

now we have told our action to listen for issue events and issue_comment events we can have some fun interacting with our users...

first lets simply reply with the context.json that we've been working with so far - this is not practical, but demonstrates a point πŸ‘ˆ

we need to update our index.js - lucky for us Octokit-rest.js is incorporated into the @actions/github package πŸ˜“ so we just need a token and we are good to go

The GitHub action provides a default token in the workflow run, we are going to access that in the workflow file and pass it as a parameter to our index.js (actions/core), we can then use that token to interact with our repo

update our action.yml descriptor to require a parameter

name: 'action for light hearted issue ops'
description: 'mostly about cats, dogs and fortune cookies'

  using: 'node12'
  main: 'index.js'  ## note you CAN use a dist instead of uploading your node_modulesβ„’

    description: github token for API access
    required: true # our action will fail if we don't have a token


pass the default token from the workflow

name: demo days javascript action
      - master
      - opened
      - edited
      - created
      - edited
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Our Javascript Action
        uses: ./
        with:    ##### <---- add a with
          access_token: ${{ github.token }} ##### <----- specify the parameter name - must mach our action.yml
      - name: write context info
        run: | 
          git config ${{ github.action }}
          git config
          git config advice.addIgnoredFile false 
          git add -f context.json
          git commit -am "action updated context.json [ ${{ github.run_number }} ] "
          git push

and finally ...

you can keep all the other stuff we've done in there ... but if you want to keep things lean, you can strip out anything in your workflow and in your index.js files that you don't want to run ...

notice that we filter the events - but I double down on that in the code to demonstrate finer conditional processing options.

update your index.js to interact with issues

const core = require('@actions/core');
const github = require('@actions/github');
const artifact = require('@actions/artifact');
const fs = require('fs');

async function run () {
  try {    
    const context = github.context;
    //let's log the context for ease of access in the demo :) 
    console.log(JSON.stringify(context, undefined, 2));
    // log context eventName - this is what caused the action to run
    console.log(`Processing event : ${context.eventName}`)

    // we probably don't need this in here anymore but 
    console.log(`hello ghdd participant handle on twitch!`);

    // first write the file to the working directory 
    fs.writeFileSync('context.json', JSON.stringify(context, undefined, 2));

    // now create an artifact and upload
    const artifactClient = artifact.create();
    const files = ["context.json"];
    const rootDir = ".";
    const options = {
      continueOnError: true
    const artifactInfo = artifactClient.uploadArtifact(`Context-run-${context.runId}`,files, rootDir, options);

    console.log("artifact uploaded");
    console.log(JSON.stringify(artifactInfo, undefined, 2));

    // we can also put information back into issues and prs.. 
    // issue as an example 

    // we will need our PAT to interact with issue - the workflow passes in the token we need
    const myToken = core.getInput("access_token");
    // once we have a token we can create an authenticated API-client or :) octokit !!
    const octokit = github.getOctokit(myToken);

    // check if it is an issue we are working with - it could be another type of event!
    // the payload will change based on the event type so need to be careful matching things up.
    // in our case we are looking to interact only if the event is an issue creation or a comment on an open issue.
    // we want to ignore comments added to closed issues and the final "close and comment" button 
    // there's a handy dandy property called `state` that can help with this :) 

    if(('issues' == context.eventName || 'issue_comment' == context.eventName) && 
    (context.payload.issue.state == "open")) {
      console.log('creating new issue comment via the api')

      // create the body of the comment that we want to add to our issue thread
      // we can include markdown, a subset of html - just as if you were writing an issue comment :)
      //n.b. line-split in a string `\` at the end of the line 

      var commentBody = 
        `Context of the event that triggered the action run \n\n\`\`\`json\n\
        ${JSON.stringify(context, undefined, 2)}\n\`\`\`` 

      // construct the parameters to create issue comment with - check the octokit-rest.js documention for samples and details
      const issueComment = 
        "owner" : context.repo.owner,
        "repo" : context.repo.repo,
        "issue_number" : context.issue.number,
        "body" : commentBody

      // hit the big red button and create that issue comment 
      await octokit.issues.createComment(issueComment);
    else {
      console.log(`not supporting ${context.eventName} at this time .. thank you :)`);
  } catch (error) {


Once you have committed your changes you should ensure that we merge the changes into our default branch - if we don't do this then issue events won't be processed ... as they only trigger workflows on the default branch.

Go ahead, create a new issue and see if you a) trigger the workflow b) Get some data played back in an issue comment.

If we have time for a quick dad joke or two we can try this :)

update your index.js

const core = require('@actions/core');
const github = require('@actions/github');
const artifact = require('@actions/artifact');
const fs = require('fs');
const dadJoke = require('./dadjoke.js');

async function run () {
  try {    
    const context = github.context;
    // log context eventName - this is what caused the action to run
    console.log(`Processing event : ${context.eventName}`)

    // we can also put information back into issues and prs.. 
    // issue as an example 

    // we will need our PAT to interact with issue - the workflow passes in the token we need
    const myToken = core.getInput("access_token");
    // once we have a token we can create an authenticated API-client or :) octokit !!
    const octokit = github.getOctokit(myToken);

    // check if it is an issue we are working with - it could be another type of event!
    // the payload will change based on the event type so need to be careful matching things up.
    // in our case we are looking to interact only if the event is an issue creation or a comment on an open issue.
    // we want to ignore comments added to closed issues and the final "close and comment" button 
    // there's a handy dandy property called `state` that can help with this :) 

    if(('issues' == context.eventName || 'issue_comment' == context.eventName) && 
    (context.payload.issue.state == "open")) {
      console.log('creating new issue comment via the api')

      // create the body of the comment that we want to add to our issue thread
      // we can include markdown, a subset of html - just as if you were writing an issue comment :)
      //n.b. line-split in a string `\` at the end of the line 

      var commentBody = await dadJoke.getJoke();
      var body = null;
        switch(context.eventName) {
          case "issues" : 
            body = context.payload.issue.body; 
          case "issue_comment" :
            body = context.payload.comment.body;
            throw new Error("Unsupported Event type in issue-ops")

      if(body.includes('/cat')) {
          commentBody = commentBody + '\n' + '![place a kitten right here](';
      // construct the parameters to create issue comment with - check the octokit-rest.js documention for samples and details
      const issueComment = 
        "owner" : context.repo.owner,
        "repo" : context.repo.repo,
        "issue_number" : context.issue.number,
        "body" : commentBody

      // hit the big red button and create that issue comment 
      await octokit.issues.createComment(issueComment);
    else {
      console.log(`not supporting ${context.eventName} at this time .. thank you :)`);
  } catch (error) {


and add the following file as dadjoke.js

const axios = require('axios')

module.exports.getJoke = async () =>  {
    try {
        let res = await axios
          .get('', {
            headers: {
              Accept: 'application/json'
        if(res.status ==200) {
      } catch (error) {

we will need to run npm ci to pick up the axios package - then commit and push

npm install axios --save

npm ci

git add .

git commit -m "update with dadjoke and cat picture integration"

git push  ## best practice would be to do this on a branch that ISN'T default :)

Now when you create an issue or add a comment to an existing one you should have an entirely different experience

Code Along Resources

helpful tip for codespaces

This command will list out vs-code extensions in the format required by codespaces devcontainer.json

ls -1 | sed 's/-[0-9\.]*$//'

and generate for json

ls -1 ~/.vscode-remote/extensions | sed 's/-[0-9\.]*$//' | sed 's/\(.*\)/"\1",/'

thanks @jkeech for this πŸ’Ž

ℹ️ Information, Docs, Tutorials and More

And if I really did a terrible job today - and you'd rather not speak to a human

  • Actions learning lab - practical bot driven tutorial
    actions learning lab


Demo Days Template Repository - Browser, Camera. Action 🎬






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