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How to create setup of desktop application using with the Gradle Application plugin

Greg Stewart edited this page Aug 14, 2019 · 1 revision

Below is a working example of how to correctly package a desktop application made using Gradle's application plugin:

// tell gradle to make a fat jar, with all dependencies wrapped up in it.
jar {
    manifest {
                'Main-Class': mainClassName //the main classname, same as in setupBuilder
    from {
        configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }

 * Setup for building .deb, .dmg, .msi, and .rpm installers.
setupBuilder {

    vendor = '<your name>'
    appIdentifier = applicationName
    this.version = version // '0.1'

    application = "<app name>"
    description = '<app description>'
    icons = "src/main/resources/test-icon.icns"

    licenseFile = "../LICENSE"

    from jar.outputs

    mainClass = mainClassName
    mainJar = // the name of the generated jar file

    desktopStarter {

        displayName   = "<name>" // the name of the program when installed

        description   = "<description>"

        // The working directory of the service, relative to installation root
        workDir        = "."