Hello, my name is Ivan Simonov. For almost two decades, I have been involved in software development, initially as a software development student, and later as a professional ERP-level application developer.
In the past year, I have become deeply interested in software product integration. My development and support experience includes the following integration patterns, implemented on the ERP monolithic application side:
- Transactional Outbox
- Document Message
- Request-Reply
- Messaging Mapper
- Transactional Client
- Polling Consumer
- Messaging Gateway
- Message Endpoint
- Transactional Consumer
- Pipes-and-Filters
- Recipient List
- Point-to-Point Channel
I have experience implementing REST API connectors for popular web engines, such as:
- OpenCart
- WordPress WooCommerce API
- avito.ru service
📫 How to reach me: t.me/i_simonov, simonov88.ivan@gmail.com