A simplistic approach on parallel processing with PHP.
PHPSimpleThreads offers a simple way of starting and handling multiple php-cli processes within your PHP application.
Installation via composer:
composer install i07/php-simple-threads
PHPSimpleThreads will execute 'workers' from the workers folder in your project root folder. A basic worker should have the following structure.
class myWorker extends \SimpleThreads\Factory\WorkerFactory {
public function doWork($arguments) {
//do some work here and return the result of the task
$mywork = $this->myWorkFunction($arguments);
return $mywork;
private function myWorkFunction($arguments) {
//do stuff based on the $arguments
return $result;
new myWorker($myDescription);
save the file as myWorker.php in the workers directory.
Example on how to start the workers:
$my_workers = [
"id" => "Worker1",
"command" => "myWorker",
"payload" => "argument-string"
"id" => "Worker2",
"command" => "myWorker",
"payload" => [
"option1" => "value1",
"argument" => "array"
$myPool = new \SimpleThreads\Pool($my_workers);
// SimpleThreads will hold an object with all workers results, the get the results of all workers:
$results = $myPool->getOutput();
$results will be an array of objects with all data needed to process the response from each worker.