This gem provides a simple interface to track statisitcs by your models. It gives you full control of how statistic will be aggregated. It's just a backbone giving common patterns for tracking statistic.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'stat_trek'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install stat_trek
Simply add this line to your model:
stat_trek :score
In this example we assume that this line was placed inside Test
It will allow you to run following method on instance of this model: test.stat_trek(:score, 20)
By default it assumes that you have model named TestStatistc
(model name + Statistic
postfix) identified by field test_id
(lowercased model name + _id
postfix). Value for this key field will be taken from primary key field of instance, which called stat_trek
method. Default aggregation strategy is override
, which simply overrides current statistic score
value with given one.
All described defaults can be overriden. Simply pass option you want to override at class level definition:
class Test < ApplicationRecord
stat_trek :score, stats_model: MyModelWithStatistic, key_fields: [:user_id, test_slug: :slug], agg_strategy: :sum
The line above will create rule to update MyModelWithStatistic
model with help of built in sum
It also describes non-standard key fields. First is user_id
and it has no mapping, that means it can't be taken from instance of model that calls statistic update. This key and it's value should be passed as last option when calling stat_trek
instance method: test.stat_trek(:score, 20, user_id: 1)
The second one is mapping pair test_slug: :slug
where first element is name of key field in statistics model and last is key field name in model containing the tracking description. So, assuming that test.slug == 'ruby'
, calling test.stat_trek(:score, 20, user_id: 1)
will find or create instance of MyModelWithStatistic
by these attributes user_id: 1, test_slug: 'ruby'
By default there's two aggregation strategies:
. Simply replaces current value with new onesum
. Adds given value with new one (race-condition free way).
You can define custom aggregations. Just define your class with necessary logic, inherit it from StatTrek::AggStrategies::Base
and define method call
in it:
class DoubleStrategy < StatTrek::AggStrategies::Base
def call(stats_instance, _value)
).update_all("#{field} = #{field} * 2")
Method call
accepts 2 arguments - the instance of statistic that will be updated and the given value.
Then you should register your strategy - StatTrek.config.register_strategy :double, DoubleStrategy
And you're good to go:
class Test < ApplicationRecord
stat_trek :score, agg_strategy: :double
Guards is way to prevent your statistic from being updated. By default there's 2 built in guards.
This guard stops statistic updating if time limit reached. Assume your Test
model has field deadline
, you can write this:
class Test < ApplicationRecord
stat_trek :score, guards: { time_limit: { time_field: :deadline } }
So tests that reached there's deadline (current time is greater than value in this field) will not touch statistic.
If you want to update your statistic not more than once in 30s, simply write this:
class Test < ApplicationRecord
stat_trek :score, guards: { throttle: { period: 30.seconds } }
By default this guard uses redis as backend, but you can pass your own backend:
StatTrek.config.update_guard :throttle, backend: your_backend_here
Backend should implement 2 methods: store(key, expiration)
and exists?(key)
. First one is used to persist information about statistic update, second one is for checking whether we can update same statistic field again.
As with strategies, you can add your own guard. Create class inherited from StatTrek::Guards::Base
and implement method call
class MyGuard < StatTrek::Guards::Base
def call(model_instance, key_fields)
model_instance.deleted? || meta[:admin_ids].include?(key_fields[:user_id])
Then register it: StatTrek.config.registered_guard :my_guard, MyGuard, admin_ids: Admin.ids
. Last option is hash of metadata that will be passed to guard.
All guards accepts on_trigger
options, which can be either symbol or proc. This option will be called when guard blocks updating of statistc. If proc is given, the model instance will be passed as param to it. If symbol is given, method with this name will be called on model instance.
You can specify associations which should update there's statistic too. Let's take as example this structure of project:
class Session < ApplicationRecord
has_many :courses
stat_trek :score, key_fields: [:user_id, session_id: :id], agg_strategy: :sum
class Course < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :session
has_many :tests
stat_trek :score, key_fields: [:user_id, course_id: :id], , agg_strategy: :sum, touch: :session
class Test < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :course
stat_trek :score, key_fields: [:user_id, test_id: :id], agg_strategy: :sum, touch: :course
When we call test.stat_trek(:score, 20)
it will update not only test's statistic, but also course's and session's.
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Everyone interacting in the StatTrek project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.