3D Human Pose Estimation from Multiple Dynamic Views via Single-view Pretraining with Procrustes Alignment
MDVPose is a simple yet effective framework for 3D human pose estimation from multiple dynamic views with unknown camera calibration. Unlike existing methods, it fully exploits available 3D training data and efficiently aligns multiple views using Procruste alignment and multi-view consistency. MDVPose finetunes a single-view pretrained motion encoder for multi-view scenarios, achieving state-of-the-art results on challenging datasets like Ski-Pose PTZ (22.1mm P-MPJPE) and EgoBody (-18.2mm P-MPJPE), and robust performance on Human3.6M.
This project is finetuned based on the pretrained model from MotionBERT. The pretrained model can be obtained from the model zoo in the MotionBERT project.
conda create -n mdvpose python=3.7
conda activate mdvpose
# Please install PyTorch according to your CUDA version.
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please refer to dataset.md
python train.py --config configs/pretrain/MB_pretrain.yaml -c checkpoint/pretrain/MB_pretrain
The model can also be obtained from the model zoo in the MotionBERT project.
single-view finetuning
python train.py --config configs/pose3d/MB_ft_h36m.yaml --pretrained checkpoint/pretrain/MB_release --checkpoint checkpoint/pose3d/FT_MB_release_MB_ft_h36m
The model can also be obtained from the model zoo in the MotionBERT project. After unified pretraining and single-view finetuning, multi-view finetuning can be performed using different datasets.
data preprocessing
python tools/preprocess_skipose.py -r path/to/skipose/dataset
The processed data will be saved in data/motion3d/MB3D_f243s81
multi-view finetuning
python train_mv_finetune.py --config configs/multi_view/MB_ft_mv_skipose.yaml --pretrained checkpoint/pose3d/FT_MB_release_MB_ft_h36m --checkpoint checkpoint/multi_view/skipose
python train_mv_finetune.py --config configs/multi_view/MB_ft_mv_skipose.yaml --evaluate checkpoint/multi_view/skipose/best_epoch.bin
data preprocessing
python tools/preprocess_h36m.py
The processed data will be saved in data/motion3d/MB3D_f243s81
multi-view finetuning
python train_mv_finetune.py --config configs/multi_view/MB_ft_mv_h36m.yaml --pretrained checkpoint/pose3d/FT_MB_release_MB_ft_h36m --checkpoint checkpoint/multi_view/h36m
python train.py --config configs/multi_view/MB_ft_mv_h36m.yaml --evaluate checkpoint/multi_view/h36m/best_epoch.bin
You can use the trained model to obtain 3D poses from other videos or images.
Please use AlphaPose to extract the 2D keypoints for your video first. We use the Fast Pose model trained on Halpe dataset (Link). Here we provide an example json file.
Note: Currently we only support single person. If your video contains multiple person, you may need to use the Pose Tracking Module for AlphaPose and set --focus
to specify the target person id.
Run the following command to infer from the extracted 2D poses:
python infer_wild.py --vid_path path/to/your/video --json_path path/to/alphapose-results.json --out_path path/to/your/output/file
▢ Preprocessing code for egobody dataset
If you find this repository useful for your research, please cite the following paper as such:
title={3D Human Pose Estimation from Multiple Dynamic Views via Single-view Pretraining with Procrustes Alignment},
author={Gu, Renshu and Zhu, Jiajun and Si, Yixuan and Gao, Fei and Xu, Jiamin and Xu, Gang},
booktitle={ACM Multimedia 2024}