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Macrolog provides a type-safe way to log entities.


Main idea behind this library to provide a type-safe way to log entities.
There are only two type classes:

  1. macrolog.Loggable - presents type A as string
  2. macrolog.LogSchema - returns schema of the object A

Library built on top of scala-logging


resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("irevive", "maven")

libraryDependencies += "io.github.irevive" %% "macrolog" % version

resolvers += Resolver.url("scalameta", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns),

addCompilerPlugin("org.scalameta" %% "paradise" % "3.0.0-M10" cross CrossVersion.full)

scalacOptions += "-Xplugin-require:macroparadise"


The logger defined at LazyLogging and StrictLogging traits.


class Service extends StrictLogging {

  def find(name: String)(implicit traceId: macrolog.TraceId): Unit = {
    logger.debug(s"Searching entity with name [$name]")
  def find(name: String)(implicit ctx: macrolog.LoggingContext): Unit = {
    logger.debug(s"Searching entity with name [$name]")


Type-safe logging

log prefix will generate a type-safe string using Loggable instance for each argument of the string interpolation.


import macrolog.LogStringContextConversion._
case class User(name: String, login: String, @loggable.exclude password: String)
val user: User = User("name", "login", "strong password")
val safeLogStatement = log"My typesafe log. User: [$user]"

This code will be transformed to:

case class User(name: String, login: String, @loggable.exclude password: String)  
val user: User = User("name", "login", "strong password")
val safeLogStatement = {
  import _root_.macrolog.Loggable
  StringContext("My typesafe log. User: [", "]").s(Loggable[User].print(user))

How to add TraceQualifier and Position to the log message

Position and TraceId always calculated at the compile time. This library works without reflection and has a zero overhead.

Position set-up

It's not necessary to provide Position implicitly. A value automatically calculated at the compile time.
If you want to log higher level of the call chain, just provide it implicitly to the method:

def method(implicit pos: Unit = {"My log message")

TraceId set-up

TraceId must be always specified as an implicit parameter of the method:

def method1(implicit traceId: macrolog.TraceId): Unit = {"My log message 1")
def method2(implicit traceId: macrolog.TraceId): Unit = {"My log message 2")
def method3(implicit traceId: macrolog.TraceId): Unit = {"My log message 3")

Just generate a new traceId on the top of the call chain:

def entryPoint(): Unit = {
  implicit val traceId = macrolog.TraceId()

Custom LoggingContext

case class CustomLoggingContext(user: String, timestamp: LocalDateTime, module: String, traceQualifier: macrolog.TraceId) 
  extends macrolog.TraceQualifierLoggingContext

Logback config

Add conversion rules traceId and position to the logback.xml configuration.

<conversionRule conversionWord="traceId" converterClass="macrolog.TraceQualifierConverter"/>
<conversionRule conversionWord="position" converterClass="macrolog.PositionConverter"/>

After that you can use them in the appender pattern:

<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
    <pattern>%date %coloredLevel %thread %traceId %position - %message%n%xException</pattern>

The output will be:
2017-08-01 16:21:51,879 thread1 e12585zd-b81a-4e61-8933-7ccb530d07f2e com.example.Bootrstap.start:47 - Application started successfully

Macro generation

Loggable and LogSchema instances can be generated via macro-annotation @loggable.
@loggable.exclude used to ignore case class field.
@loggable.include used to add non case class primary fields. val, var and def without arguments are supported.

Important! Always use exclude and include annotations with the prefix loggable.


case class User(firstName: String, lastName: String, @loggable.exclude password: String)
case class Account(login: String, @loggable.exclude password: String, user: User) {
  @loggable.include val field: String = "something"
  @loggable.include def getterLikeDef(): Int = 123

Generated code:

case class User(firstName: String, lastName: String, password: String)
object User {
  import _root_.macrolog.{LogSchema, Loggable}
  import _root_.macrolog.Loggable._
  implicit val logSchemaInstance: LogSchema[User] = new LogSchema[User] {
    override def schema(value: User): List[(String, String)] = {
      List(("firstName", Loggable[String].print(value.firstName)), ("lastName", Loggable[String].print(value.lastName)))
  implicit val loggableInstance: Loggable[User] = Loggable.instance { value => 
    val body = logSchemaInstance.schema(value)
     .map { case (prop, v) => prop + " = " + v }
     .mkString("(", ", ", ")")
    "User" + body
case class Account(login: String, password: String, user: User) {

  val field: String = "something"

  def getterLikeDef(): Int = 123

object Account {
  import _root_.macrolog.{LogSchema, Loggable}
  import _root_.macrolog.Loggable._
  implicit val logSchemaInstance: LogSchema[Account] = new LogSchema[Account] {
    override def schema(value: Account): List[(String, String)] = {
      List(("login", Loggable[String].print(value.login)), ("user", Loggable[User].print(value.user)), ("field", Loggable[String].print(value.field)), ("getterLikeDef", Loggable[Int].print(value.getterLikeDef())))
  implicit val loggableInstance: Loggable[Account] = Loggable.instance { value => 
    val body = logSchemaInstance.schema(value)
      .map { case (prop, v) => prop + " = " + v }
      .mkString("(", ", ", ")")
    "Account" + body


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