Macrolog provides a type-safe way to log entities.
Main idea behind this library to provide a type-safe way to log entities.
There are only two type classes:
- presents type A as stringmacrolog.LogSchema
- returns schema of the object A
Library built on top of scala-logging
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("irevive", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "io.github.irevive" %% "macrolog" % version
resolvers += Resolver.url("scalameta", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns),
addCompilerPlugin("org.scalameta" %% "paradise" % "3.0.0-M10" cross CrossVersion.full)
scalacOptions += "-Xplugin-require:macroparadise"
The logger defined at LazyLogging
and StrictLogging
class Service extends StrictLogging {
def find(name: String)(implicit traceId: macrolog.TraceId): Unit = {
logger.debug(s"Searching entity with name [$name]")
def find(name: String)(implicit ctx: macrolog.LoggingContext): Unit = {
logger.debug(s"Searching entity with name [$name]")
prefix will generate a type-safe string using Loggable
instance for each argument of the string interpolation.
import macrolog.LogStringContextConversion._
case class User(name: String, login: String, @loggable.exclude password: String)
val user: User = User("name", "login", "strong password")
val safeLogStatement = log"My typesafe log. User: [$user]"
This code will be transformed to:
case class User(name: String, login: String, @loggable.exclude password: String)
val user: User = User("name", "login", "strong password")
val safeLogStatement = {
import _root_.macrolog.Loggable
StringContext("My typesafe log. User: [", "]").s(Loggable[User].print(user))
Position and TraceId always calculated at the compile time. This library works without reflection and has a zero overhead.
It's not necessary to provide Position implicitly. A value automatically calculated at the compile time.
If you want to log higher level of the call chain, just provide it implicitly to the method:
def method(implicit pos: Unit = {"My log message")
TraceId must be always specified as an implicit parameter of the method:
def method1(implicit traceId: macrolog.TraceId): Unit = {"My log message 1")
def method2(implicit traceId: macrolog.TraceId): Unit = {"My log message 2")
def method3(implicit traceId: macrolog.TraceId): Unit = {"My log message 3")
Just generate a new traceId on the top of the call chain:
def entryPoint(): Unit = {
implicit val traceId = macrolog.TraceId()
case class CustomLoggingContext(user: String, timestamp: LocalDateTime, module: String, traceQualifier: macrolog.TraceId)
extends macrolog.TraceQualifierLoggingContext
Add conversion rules traceId
and position
to the logback.xml
<conversionRule conversionWord="traceId" converterClass="macrolog.TraceQualifierConverter"/>
<conversionRule conversionWord="position" converterClass="macrolog.PositionConverter"/>
After that you can use them in the appender pattern:
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%date %coloredLevel %thread %traceId %position - %message%n%xException</pattern>
The output will be:
2017-08-01 16:21:51,879 thread1 e12585zd-b81a-4e61-8933-7ccb530d07f2e com.example.Bootrstap.start:47 - Application started successfully
Loggable and LogSchema instances can be generated via macro-annotation @loggable
used to ignore case class field.
used to add non case class primary fields. val
, var
and def
without arguments are supported.
Important! Always use exclude
and include
annotations with the prefix loggable
case class User(firstName: String, lastName: String, @loggable.exclude password: String)
case class Account(login: String, @loggable.exclude password: String, user: User) {
@loggable.include val field: String = "something"
@loggable.include def getterLikeDef(): Int = 123
Generated code:
case class User(firstName: String, lastName: String, password: String)
object User {
import _root_.macrolog.{LogSchema, Loggable}
import _root_.macrolog.Loggable._
implicit val logSchemaInstance: LogSchema[User] = new LogSchema[User] {
override def schema(value: User): List[(String, String)] = {
List(("firstName", Loggable[String].print(value.firstName)), ("lastName", Loggable[String].print(value.lastName)))
implicit val loggableInstance: Loggable[User] = Loggable.instance { value =>
val body = logSchemaInstance.schema(value)
.map { case (prop, v) => prop + " = " + v }
.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
"User" + body
case class Account(login: String, password: String, user: User) {
val field: String = "something"
def getterLikeDef(): Int = 123
object Account {
import _root_.macrolog.{LogSchema, Loggable}
import _root_.macrolog.Loggable._
implicit val logSchemaInstance: LogSchema[Account] = new LogSchema[Account] {
override def schema(value: Account): List[(String, String)] = {
List(("login", Loggable[String].print(value.login)), ("user", Loggable[User].print(value.user)), ("field", Loggable[String].print(value.field)), ("getterLikeDef", Loggable[Int].print(value.getterLikeDef())))
implicit val loggableInstance: Loggable[Account] = Loggable.instance { value =>
val body = logSchemaInstance.schema(value)
.map { case (prop, v) => prop + " = " + v }
.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
"Account" + body