This Repo is the implementation of the following three papers
- Mean Teacher Mean teachers are better role models: Weight-averaged consistency targets improve semi-supervised deep learning results
- SNTG Smooth Neighbors on Teacher Graphs for Semi-supervised Learning
- HybridNet HybridNet: Classification and Reconstruction Cooperation for Semi-Supervised Learning
I only used Cifar-10 Dataset. I have used the following architectures:
- Convlarge ( Mean Teacher and SNTG)
- Convlarge based HybridNet ( For Hybrid Net )
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install:
- Pytorch 0.4.1
- Python 3.6.6
- TensorboardX
I used 2 Titan Xp GPUs. Average training time is 3 hours for hybrid network and 1 hour for other networks.
You may set up CIFAR-10 inside the repository by running the following command.
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Say what the step will be
1. Supervised Only without BN : 76.6%
2. Mean Teacher without BN:
a) Student Model : 83.58%
b) Teacher Model : 86.78%
3. Mean Teacher with BN
a) Student Model : 84.4%
b) Teacher Model : 87.07%
4. Mean Teacher + SNTG with BN
a) Student Model : 84.6%
b) Teacher Model : 87.28%
5. Hybrid Network
a) Student Model : 84.18%
b) Teacher Model : 87.00%
Go the and change the following flags as follows:
- supervised_mode = True ( To use only 4000 labels for training)
- lr = 0.15 ( setting the learning rate)
- BN = False ( for turning batch Normalization on or off)
- sntg = False ( Do not use any SNTG loss )
- Do not change any other settings and run Note that my baseline has not Batch Normalization in it.
Go the and change the following flags as follows:
- supervised_mode = False ( To use only 4000 labels for training)
- lr = 0.2 ( setting the learning rate)
- BN = False or True ( for turning batch Normalization on or off)
- sntg = False ( Do not use any SNTG loss )
- Do not change any other settings and run
Note that my baseline has not Batch Normalization in it. However I tested mean teacher with both a BN and without BN
Go the and change the following flags as follows:
- supervised_mode = False ( To use only 4000 labels for training)
- lr = 0.2 ( setting the learning rate)
- BN = True ( for turning batch Normalization on or off)
- sntg = True ( Do not use any SNTG loss )
- Do not change any other settings and run
Go the and change the following flags as follows:
- supervised_mode = False ( To use only 4000 labels for training)
- lr_hybrid = 0.2 ( setting the learning rate)
- BN = True ( for turning batch Normalization on or off)
- sntg = False ( Do not use any SNTG loss )
- Do not change any other settings and run
To Visualize on Tensorboard, use the following command
tensorboard --logdir=”path to ./ckpt”
Note that all the checkpoints are in the ./ckpt folder so simply start a tensorboard session to visualize it. Also all the saved checkpoints for student models are also saved there.
1. Baseline : 12-03-18:09/convlarge,Adam,200epochs,b256,lr0.15/test
2. Mean teacher without BN :
3. Mean Teacher with BN : 12-05-11:55/convlarge,Adam,200epochs,b256,lr0.2/test
4. Hybrid Net : 12-06-10:58/hybridnet,Adam,200epochs,b256,lr0.2/test
5. SNTG + Meant Teacher: 12-07-00:36/convlarge,Adam,200epochs,b256,lr0.2/test
This project is licensed under the MIT License. For specific helper function used in this repository please see the license agreement of the Repo linked in Acknowledgement section
My implementation has been inspired from the following sources.
- Mean Teacher : I have mainly followed the Pytorch Version of this Repo
- SNTG - I have understood the concept of SNTG and converted Theano Implementation to Pytorch
- Hybrid Network - I have followed this repository to incorporate reconstruction loss in my implementation.