A PHP-FPM docker image with the most common dependencies & extensions.
- PHP 7.4.3
- Xdebug
- Bcmath, Ctype, Gettext, Iconv, Mbstring, Intl, GD, imagick, imap,
- MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite, MongoDB, Redis, Memcached
- SOAP, Sockets, Tokenizer, Zip, Zlib, OpCache
- Supervisor, and more.
(See branch php73
for PHP 7.3)
docker pull iserter/php-fpm:7.4
version: '3'
container_name: php-fpm
image: iserter/php-fpm:7.4
Build an image from Dockerfile in the current directory
docker build -t iserter-php:7.4 .
Tag a local image with a new image name and tag
docker tag iserter-php:7.4 iserter/php-fpm:7.4
Push an image to a registry
docker push iserter/php-fpm:7.4