This algorithm in C count all the words in a .txt file, shows all the different ones and count how many similar there are.
You just have to compile the code with "make all" then run with "make run".
After the execution, two .txt files will be created/updated: "word_stats.txt" and "broken_text.txt".
The first one shows all words and their number in alphabetical order, while the last shows the text with all the words separated in new lines.
- This algorithm ignore non-alphabetical character, so, if the word is "it's", the dictionary will show "its".
- If the word is separated by other character besides space or new-line, the algorithm will identify it as a unique word.
- This algorithm case insensitive, so words like "The" e "the" will be considered the same.
- If you find a bug, please contact me and I'll fix it.