Examine all posts from a WordPress blog for geographical data and generate some interesting visualizations of the journey.
'backtracker.rb' loads all the posts from the WordPress site and extracts the EXIF data, most importantly the GPS data, for each image in each post. It produces a JSON file containing the mapping between post and location along with the list of image urls.
'find_local_blog_images.rb' recurses through a (local) directory tree looking at each JPEG. For each image, it extracts the base name, EXIF data (GPS and create date) and perceptual hash using [phash][phash]. It puts all this information into a local sqlite database.
'find_missing_gps_info.rb' loads the markers.js JSON file produced by 'backtracker.rb' and joins it with the information in the database provided by 'find_local_blog_images.rb'. It works to find local versions of the remote blog images based on name, creation date and perceptural hash. It matches as many as possible and puts out a new json file with the improved GPS information.
'render-posts.html' loads in the JSON markers data and creates markers on a google map.
''' ruby backtracker.rb | tee out
ruby backtracker.rb | tee out ruby -r pry find_missing_gps_info.rb | tee out3 bundler exec ruby -v generate-hierarchical-markers.rb --startdate "2015-04-15" | tee out4 cp hierarchical-markers.json hierarchical-markers-na.json
ruby backtracker.rb | tee out ruby -r pry find_missing_gps_info.rb | tee out3 bundler exec ruby -v generate-hierarchical-markers.rb --enddate "2015-04-15" | tee out4 cp hierarchical-markers.json hierarchical-markers-sea.json '''
'''ruby require 'json' require 'exifr'
def pbcopy(input) str = input.to_s IO.popen('pbcopy', 'w') { |f| f << str } str end
file = '/Users/iainbryson/Pictures/2014/2014-12-06/IMG_1785.JPG' exif = EXIFR::JPEG.new(file) j = { :gps => { :latitude => exif.exif.gps.latitude, :longitude => exif.exif.gps.longitude, :altitude => exif.exif.gps.altitude, :image_direction => exif.exif.gps.image_direction } } pbcopy JSON.pretty_generate(j) j.to_json #https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4229571/how-do-you-save-irb-inputs-to-a-rb-file File.open("irb.log", "w") do |f| f << Readline::HISTORY.to_a.join("\n") end '''