Welcome to coldoutsi.de
, your source for classy weather forecasts.
- 📍 Location-based Weather Information:
can use your IP address or your browser's location support to determine your location and provide weather information for where you are. - 🗺️ Look up weather for a place name: Simply append
/<place name>
to find the weather for any place. - 🌍️ Look up weather for a coordinate: Couldn't be easier. Append
to find the weather for any coordinate. - ☀️ OpenWeatherMap Integration: We fetch the latest weather information based on the geolocation data using the OpenWeatherMap API.
Note: This application is currently under development and is not yet available for public use. You can build and run it yourself, for now. See CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.
This project is licensed under the AGPL-3 License.
- Thanks to the authors of the many open source libraries and tools we're using to build this application.
- Thanks to GeoJS, Nominatim/OpenStreetMap, OpenWeatherMap, and met.no for providing the APIs used here.