synscapy is a python2, scapy-based utility providing TCP SYN scan services. Since it uses raw sockets, it's supposed to be run with superuser capabilities.
$ sudo ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-p PORTS] target
scapy-based TCP SYN scanner
positional arguments:
target target IP address or hostname
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORTS target ports with the input format being a
comma-separated list of ports and (or) port ranges
(e.g. 80,135-139,200)
the default value is 80
please note that space characters are not allowed
$ sudo ./ -p 1-1024 is up
started scanning
135 is open (SA)
445 is open (SA)
902 is open (SA)
912 is open (SA)
scanning finished in 3 seconds