Terraform module to create a Digital Ocean Droplet using Terraform with desirable additional features.
The module is a helpful convenience wrapper around the standard DigitalOcean provider using cloud-init
to provide additional features:-
- easily remount existing volumes
- easily create an initial passwordless sudo user directly with sshkeys
- easily add additional
scripts to bootstrap the Droplet
This module allows you to establish a Droplet on Digital Ocean as shown in the example below:-
module "terraform-digitalocean-droplet" {
source = "verbnetworks/droplet/digitalocean"
# required variables
# ===
hostname = "awesomehost"
digitalocean_region = "sgp1"
# optional variables
# ===
initial_user = "ndejong"
initial_user_sshkeys = [
user_data = "#cloud-config\npackages:\n - python3"
# digitalocean_volume0 = "[mount-point]:[mount-device]:[volume-id]:[mount-fstype]"
# digitalocean_volume0 = "/mnt:/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0DO_Volume_example01:0010c05e-20ad-10e0-9007-00000c113408:ext4"
# optional outputs
output "hostname" { value = module.terraform-digitalocean-droplet.hostname }
output "region" { value = module.terraform-digitalocean-droplet.region }
output "ipv4_address" { value = module.terraform-digitalocean-droplet.ipv4_address }
output "volume0" { value = module.terraform-digitalocean-droplet.volume0 }
When a Droplet first starts it can take time before the cloudinit scripts complete. Thus, you may notice in the
first few minutes when the Droplet starts that the initial_user
is unable to authenticate.
It is optionally possible to mount a pre-existing volume to your Droplet by providing the mount details in the
following format [mount-point]:[mount-device]:[volume-id]:[mount-fstype]
Obtaining the [volume-id]
value requires using the Digital Ocean API, you can consider using
digitalocean-api-query as a cli tool using a
"volumes" argument to discover this value.
$ digitalocean-api-query volumes | jq .volumes
"id": "0010c05e-20ad-10e0-9007-00000c113408",
"name": "example01",
"created_at": "2018-03-07T02:12:46Z",
The fact that volumes are not expressed as a list is an implementation detail left for another time. The issue is root in the fact that (older) Terraform has limitations in working with lists. The hard-coded limit of two volumes is not ideal but good enough for most situations.
The v0.15 verbnetworks/droplet/digitalocean
module has been tested and is known to with the following
- Terraform versions
- v0.13.0
- v0.14.7
- Terraform provider digitalocean/digitalocean versions
- v2.5.1
- DigitalOcean images
- ubuntu-20-10-x64, ubuntu-20-04-x64, ubuntu-18-04-x64, ubuntu-16-04-x64
- centos-8-x64, centos-7-x64
- fedora-33-x64, fedora-32-x64
- debian-10-x64, debian-9-x64
The older v0.13 (and prior) verbnetworks/droplet/digitalocean
versions are compatible with Terraform up to v0.12
Module managed by
Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.