This repo was orginallly hosted on UCD Satellite Subsystem's private repository, I cloned it and am hosting it here to showcase it. This is just the main branch. There were dev branched that I didn't clone.
This was launched on 25 April, 2023. Unfortunately our satellite was not recovered.
Darya Corry - @dcorry2022 : Structural and Verification Lead
Ramkiran Lepakshi - @iamlrk : Systems Engineer and Software Lead
Roisin Ryan - @RoRoisin : Electronics and Instrumentation Lead
This is a repository that has the code for the tuppersat r2d1. It was designed and constructed to be launched on a weather balloon to study the attenuation of UV rays due to humidity.
@dcorry2022 role as a structural lead was to design and construct the structure for which the satellite electronics part goes in. As a verification lead, verify the satellite from each component to it's assembled stage.
@iamlrk role as a systems engineer was to draw out the techincal requiremetns and map out the Function and Product tree. As a Software Lead, design the software architecture, make the software interface requirements, and to development the actual software. Few parts of the software were authored by @dcorry2022. The author name is mentioned on top of each file.
@RoRoisin role as an electronics and instrumentation lead was to design the circuit with the selected electronics components and assemble it.
All the main flight files are in ./tuppersat/
│ └───inspectionProfiles
├───exercises # place we did exerices given to us
└───flight - has all the functioning code
│ ├───comms # has files used for commuication
│ ├───gps # has the gps files
│ └───sensors # has the code for temperature, pressure, uv and humidity sensors
├───data # recorded data is stored here
└───tuppersat # this has the code required for ground comms - provided by UCD.
- Raspberry Pi Pico
- Powerbank
- SHT 31-D - Humidity Sensor
- VEML 6075 - UV Sensor
- DS18B20 - Temperature Sensor
- MS5611-01BA03 - Pressure Sensor
- SD Card
- T3 Radio Transmittor
- MIKROE-1032 - GPS Module