An internationalization and localization library for AutoHotKey programs.
There is also a program with a GUI to help you translate your projects.
Download the latest release and import the content to your program directory.
Read the instructions or check the sample project below.
Go in the folder i18n and create your first INI language file (example: en-US.ini).
- All keys must be declared in the [Strings] section.
- You can add dynamic arguments in the key value with {1}, {2}, etc...
Declare a new global object named i18n.
i18n := New i18n(LanguageFolder, LanguageFile, [DevMode])
- If DevMode is set to True, it will trigger some alerts for missing strings when you execute your program.
Whenever you want to internationalize a string, make a call to function Translate.
str := Translate("KeyName", [arg1, arg2, ...])
Here's an example of an en-US.ini file:
HelloWorld=Hello world!
Greetings=Welcome in {1}.
Here's an example of a working script featuring i18n (it will work given you have the associated fr-FR.ini file in your language folder):
#Include lib\i18n.ahk
MyAppName := "Sample Project"
i18n := New i18n("i18n", "en-US")
MsgBox % Translate("HelloWorld")
MsgBox % Translate("Greetings", [MyAppName])
; You can dynamically change the language without reloading the program
i18n := New i18n("i18n", "fr-FR")
MsgBox % Translate("HelloWorld")
MsgBox % Translate("Greetings", [MyAppName])
You can download this sample project on the releases page.
Here is an example of a project using a GUI, multiline and imbricated translation (you download this sample project on the releases page).
#Include lib\i18n.ahk
i18n := New i18n("i18n", "en-US", True)
Gui, Add, Button, ,Switch Language
Gui, Add, Text, vTextGui w150,% Translate("TextGui")
Gui, Add, Button, ,Demo
Gui, Show, w300 h200
toggled := False
return %var%
If !toggled
lang := "fr-FR"
lang := "en-US"
i18n := New i18n("i18n", lang, True)
GuiControl, Text, TextGui, % Translate("TextGui")
toggled := !toggled
; #1 - Basic translation
MsgBox,, % "#1", % Translate("Basic")
; #2a - Argument
TitleApp := "Translation Helper"
MsgBox,, % "#2a", % Translate("Greetings", [TitleApp])
; #2b - Example multiple arguments
colors := [Translate("Blue"), Translate("White"), Translate("Red")]
MsgBox,, % "#2b", % Translate("Flag", [colors[1], colors[2], colors[3]])
; #3 - Multiline
; To Do
; #4 - Example complex MsgBox
MsgBox, 48, % "#4 " Translate("ComplexTitle", [GetVar("TitleApp")]), % Translate("Complex", [colors[3], colors[1]])
To be written.