This demo LAMBDA app was coded in BBS Meting@Sony
- NodeJs 4.0.3
- ImageMagick Lib
- Aws Lib
ImageMagick and Aws Lib was automaticaly deployed by AWS Lambda.
- Clone this repo and zip all folder (like
- Create an S3 Bucket and rename it whatever you want
- Create a folder like "images" in S3 Bucket
- Create a lambda function
- Skip template, upload the code.For Handler setting, give the "zipname.handler" ( i.e lambda.handler)
- Set memory 128 MB (In fact My code uses aroundly 80mb for CPU but minimum is 128)
- Set Timeout to 5 sec.
- And save it.
- Set eventsource to Object Created (ALL) from your s3 butcket. Source is "images/" and give suffix any unique image name with the extension: 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'. (i.e : source : images/ suffix:_base.jpg)
- Go to s3/images and upload a file to trig your aws lambda.
- Thats All! Working..