oscillocalc is an android utility for easily calculating the voltage and frequency on a analogue oscilloscope.
For Frequency Calculation: -Enter amount of divisions peak to peak on the first line. -Enter the time per division your scope is set to on the second line. -Set the time units for the time per division line. -Set the target frequency unit to output.
For Voltage Calculation: -Enter amount of divisions peak to peak one the first line. -Enter the voltage per division your scope is set to on the second line. -Set the voltage units for the volts per division line. -Set the target voltage unit to output.
To install: -Download the latest OscilloCalc.apk from the BUILDS/ folder
To build from source:
-git clone http://github.com/iancook75/oscillocalc.git
-Open project in ADT (http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html)
-Click Run
-Built application should appear in /path/to/oscillocalc/bin/OscilloCalc.apk