logctxr is a helper package for the logr minimal logging API that enables a Logger instance to be embedded in and retrieved from a Go context.
Since the core of a program only needs to import github.com/iand/logctxr
it reduces the dependency on a specific
logger implementation. Typically a program will create a root logger at startup and embed it into a context that is
passed through the rest of the program. Submodules of the program can derive new loggers using the
standard logr
Example usage:
package main
import (
func init() {
// Ensure that logctxr knows how to make new logger instances
// if it needs to
logctxr.NewLogger = logfmtr.New
func main() {
// Create a root logger
root := logfmtr.New().WithName("root").V(2)
// Embed the logger in a context
loggerCtx := logctxr.NewContext(context.Background(), root)
// Pass the context to the other function
// A function that uses a context
func other(ctx context.Context) {
// Retrieve the logger from the context
logger := logctxr.FromContext(ctx)
logger.Info("the sun is shining")
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code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by
any means. For more information, see http://unlicense.org/ or the
accompanying UNLICENSE